Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for March 01, 2015
it isn't any warmer! verne: Give it a minute. rj: how long is it going to take? Verne: As long as it takes. rj: make it go faster!! verne: RJ, I don't control the thermometer. rj; you're just not trying hard enough!! verne: we could huddle together for warmth. hammy: Soggy hug! Rj: I feel like we've crossed some line here. verne: friends don't let friends freeze.
URL almost 10 years ago
This is perhaps a first for RJ? A hug by any other name is still a hug. Thankfully he can be huddled without having to hug. So, no lines, really, have been crossed in this cartoon. RJ’s reputation is safe.
juicebruce almost 10 years ago
Be careful you guys unless you wish to time travel………….nice hug….
flagmichael almost 10 years ago
I have often thought about the number of people who could have ben saved after shipwreck in freezing water if they had gathered in mulberries like that while waiting for rescue.
Jessica_D almost 10 years ago
Panel 5!
Ermine Notyours almost 10 years ago
RJ was outvoted.
JP Steve Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I can’t stop thinking about what they might be doing to warm up the water…