Pat Oliphant for April 08, 2010

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    kennethcwarren64  about 14 years ago

    Hey - You LIb DEM racist what do you have against The Man?

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    rottenprat  about 14 years ago

    A racist liberal? I thought they hated everyone equally.

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    Jason Allen  about 14 years ago

    Hate? I thought that was a “Conservative Christian” trait, or am I thinking of apathy?

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    leipsicbob  about 14 years ago

    Ah, yes. The Party of Family Values …

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    cartwrights  about 14 years ago

    Too funny. And too true. Michael Steele, like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann, is the gift that keeps on giving.

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    halfabug  about 14 years ago

    look back at the dems the saints they are. how much more are they gonna drive this in the ground. aren’t there better things to do.

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    Jaedabee Premium Member about 14 years ago

    “look back at the dems the saints they are. ”

    This is why legislating morality is bad.

    I thought it was entertaining that Steele pulled the race card after jumping all over its recent use by Democrats.

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    timturtl  about 14 years ago

    this is Oliphant ? did he take a racism class with Gov. McConnell of Va. ?

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    Simon_Jester  about 14 years ago

    We must remmber the way things are with the righties, folks.

    If a Dem gets caught with his pants down, he’s a durty, Immoral, lecher.

    If a Republican does it, whoa, what a STUD!

    A Dem is a racist if he criticizes ANY Republican of color, for any reason…or even if he pays them a compliment.. ( See Dennis Prager’s comments on the Condi Rice confirmation hearings. )

    A Republican is almost never a racist, not even if he compares Obama to Hitler; A Republican is a racist ONLY if he uses the N word to describe the President…and even then, he’s probably being taken out of context.


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    Dtroutma  about 14 years ago

    He’s got them “steely” eyes.

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    Jaedabee Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Now now, McDonnell just doesn’t think that the Civil War involved slavery. It wasn’t an ‘important’ part of it.

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    zekedog55  about 14 years ago

    Norman! The very fact of the matter is your bungling “W” paved the way for Obama!

    I’m still thanking all the neo-con boneheads I see for making it possible for President Obama to be elected.

    How long did you think our great republic would stomach such pernicious governance?

    And then! McCain/Palin!!! The perfect storm. After eight years of the coke addled boozer shrub and his cronies, the Republican think tank trots out McCain/Palin.

    Thank you, thank you, all you “me first” wasps. By and through your example, you enabled the Democratic party to claim a sweet victory.

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    SpicyNacho Premium Member about 14 years ago

    This would be a non issue to most here if it was the DNC.

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    4uk4ata  about 14 years ago

    Heh, do you really think so?

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    Jaedabee Premium Member about 14 years ago

    “This would be a non issue to most here if it was the DNC.”

    Do you think that’s because the DNC spends less time legislating and enforcing a certain morality?
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  16. Tigerfarts
    SpicyNacho Premium Member about 14 years ago

    No, because most Democrats never see any wrongdoing of their own and don’t make a big deal of it, but love to point out when anybody else does wrong……and make a big deal of it.

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    NoFearPup  about 14 years ago

    The difference between Michael Steele and Barak Obama is Michael Steele actually accomplished something on his own in the private sector before entering politics…

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    WarBush  about 14 years ago

    ^So you’re saying we should have Goldman Sacks lackeys running for politics?


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    4uk4ata  about 14 years ago

    “No, because most Democrats never see any wrongdoing of their own and don’t make a big deal of it, but love to point out when anybody else does wrong……and make a big deal of it.”

    By and large, most Dems aren’t as hung up on showcasing their personal morality, and make less of a political show out of it (note the “most” here). Normally, I don’t care that much what a pol does with their spouce or whoever they sleep with - that’s their business. Their job is to do policy, not necessarily serve as everyone’s morality compass. Hypocricy is another thing, and is a large part of why the RNC is the butt of so many jokes nowadays.

    n_cognito - if we had been speaking about their, say, business experience, you’d have a point.

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    RockheadedMama  about 14 years ago

    Cartoon nails it. Another example of most repubs idea of equivalence…

    btw, Why do conservatives always want business experience for governance positions? While republicans have run government on the for profit model, there is not supposed to be profit - that’s the part that keeps costs down. All that private contracting has cost us trillions….

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    SpicyNacho Premium Member about 14 years ago

    4uk4ata, I agree that politicians private lives don’t really matter as long as they serve the people in their districts. Many here want to say conservatives preach morality and do otherwise. If they are doing otherwise, I really don’t care and they are hypocrites no matter what party. If they claim to be conservative, they are really not. If they break the law, such as lie under oath, then they should pay the price.

    this is a “balloon boy” issue, that liberal cartoonists keep bringing up as some big issue. A RNC member spent money in a st–p club, and the expense shouldn’t have been approved. I am not a fan of Steele, but he is dealing with those that did and approved it. It happens every day in most large compaines.

    Rockhead, people who head up an economy as large as a US state or the USA need to have a clue how business works so they can stay afloat and not be made fools of by other nations. Obama doesn’t have a clue, and neither did Bush. Or they are both crooked, fighting for the ideals of their puppetmasters.

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    CorosiveFrog Premium Member about 14 years ago


    A guy I know did a survey like that. It turned out all the people who answered “democrats” were republicans trying to embarrass democrats and all the “Republicans” were fakes trying to embarass real republicans.

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    Lt_Lanier  about 14 years ago

    So, considering that reports that job losses are hurting minority unemployed the worst for the next two-three years, I suppose this the alternative: ‘minority outreach’. And I must say, Republicans are better in the sack.

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    NoFearPup  about 14 years ago

    When Ol’Pants sucks- he sucks bad. Like Danziger…

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    zekedog55  about 14 years ago

    Ya gotta admit, n_cog—Steele was insto- presto after Obama won office.

    Coincidence? I think not.

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    NoFearPup  about 14 years ago

    ^^Art quality is only part of the equation…the cleverness or saliency of the point made by the cartoon is also a factor.

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    spelvin2002  about 14 years ago

    The hypocrisy stinks on both sides.

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    macb423  about 14 years ago

    Old thread, but here’s a short list of Republican and right wing affirmative action beneficiaries:

    Clarence Thomas Sarah Palin Michael Steele Michelle Malkin Ann Coulter

    None of these folks would be where they are if they were white and male, but they are very useful to American conservatives who want to prove they aren’t really a white male club. They all get paid quite well, too. Lucky them.

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