Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for March 07, 2015

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 10 years ago

    Well said, Bernice. Well done, Luann.

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    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    Funny, Harry Nilsson did a similar take with the character “Oblio”, on his story album called… “The Point”….

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    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    “Patience, Per Chance”“Dot, You Forgot About Me!” (♫)“Hurry Up And Wait” (♫)“Drawing Conclusions”“The Full Day- New – Monty”“An Expedited Expedition”“A Case Of Misplaced Faces”“Rock Hard Abstract”

    “Speed Tracer”or“Making Mugs Out Of Nothing At All” (♫)

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    Namrepus  almost 10 years ago

    “Eyes Without a Face” – Billy Idol. Album: Rebel Yell, released in 1983.

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    Argythree  almost 10 years ago

    I kind of like that minimalistic drawing. Sort of a surprised look, like a polar bear cub caught in a snow storm…

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    znhoja  almost 10 years ago

    Had enough of Gunther. Hope next week has Luann and Bernice in the comic strip also Quil. And very littel about Gunther . What about Knute?

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    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    " That was the foreshadowed relationship… "^Lol, as they say, “true dat”….

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    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    Lol, also “true dat”…

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    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    what I posted yesterday(we should not take things for granted) I see Gunther not as “having changed per se” (he is simply not the one he was before) but as “being in the process of changing”, both Lue and G can be said are the anti-thesis of each other, Lue was one who sees herself with MANY options and needs to find a focus point(not necessarily for life,she can still change her mind) that gives her a purpose. Gunt had a Specific plan, not just a specific goal, but how to reach it….but now is learning that one has to be ready for finding out not just unexpected ways to reach goals, but sometimes the goals change …………………………in Paper many people “think” that Gunt/Tiff will happen, but maybe they are just travelers that are together for a while, helping each other grow, maybe Gunther teaching Tiff that life is not about getting praises from others, but about getting joy from doing the best possible in whatever you doing, and gunther will guide Tiff to either Ox or TJ, and Tiff guide G to Bern or back to Rosa(who might grow and see she has to comeback and study in order to do more for villages) ………….and Bern might be more matured and be ready when Zane returns(if Greg decides that) ………….. just like Lue has many options, the strip itself has many options ……………….. if Greg wants Lue to end up with a down under guy, it is his choice, not reader X or reader Y decision, it is not "the only guy that Lue gets married to has to be “whatever choice you make” (some say G, others Ben, others say somehow Aaron grows up and ends up being the One and don’t like Q just because he is SO NICE and can’t identify with him)

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    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    funny, I don’t see him as “Mr Perfect” ……….. He actually (for me) is simply a guy that is generally “happy with himself”, who knows he is not perfect but is just happy trying to be the best he can be and not much insecurities(but he has them) ……….. generally tries to be nice, but when HE HAS TO, can be harsh (he sometimes is forced to TRY to be direct to Tiff but she either does not listen or pretends she did not hear it) and sometimes does indirect snarks to his friends (specially Gunther and Luann) and I enjoy his banter with Luann……. he is the youngest sibling and his siblings are much older than him If I remember correctly, so he feels almost like an only child, he I think bears the burden of expectations, sometimes he is hesitant to enter new grounds, he was kind of hesitant to be put in charge of doing the food for the food truck of TJ even thought he has some kitchen skills(probably he has done the "standard fare of cooking, but not gone too much into “gourmet” ) ……………… lot of people mistake his “detachment from possessing and contentment away from covetousness” as being just a pretty face that is not interesting

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  11. Hobo
    MeGoNow Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    When you make a plan, the universe chuckles and gets to work.

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    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    BTW, he has actually being many times a catalyst for Luann to progressively realize that she has nothing to envy Tiff and that lot of her insecurities are mirages based on lies of her self-image, and many times those insecurities is what leads to her jealousy of Tiff …………… BTW, Tiff is also an anti-thesis of Luann ………… she envies the deep friendships Lue has, many times does not see she should be content she has Crystal, she is scared of people seeing past her masks and not liking her, without realizing that the key of getting true friends is not being afraid of simply being who you are, without the need to get praises from other people, (which is most of what her masks are) as funny as it sounds, her true friends besides Crystal are the trio of girls who know who she is underneath her facade(which they hate, not Tiff herself but her facade), Gunther, Knute(during time he was her manager, we saw a lot of that), and even Quill(he tried to push her to be with Gunther right before he ended up with Rosa not just because she would leave him alone, but he was hopping she would find someone who cared about her as a person and not as an object) ……….that I think is main reason Q never was attracted to Tiff, because everything for her is about maintaining alive her facade, and not be simply her, without needing admiration

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    Sisyphos  almost 10 years ago

    Today is only the seventh, not the seventeenth; but we can see that Luann is developing a more minimalist personal style as she evolves through her series of seventeen self-portrait sketches. Less is more.

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    Mordock999 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Cripes, THIS “Psycho Babble” has gone on LONG Enough.

    Luann. Let’s FINISH Up this STUPID “Art Project” shall We?

    First: Draw an outline of a “Lady.” You Know, the Kind That Identifies the “Ladies Rooms.”

    Second; Now within the Body of Lady, DRAW the faces of EVERYONE that Has Affected, However REMOTELY, YOUR (A-Hem) Life. You Know, Folks like your Mom, Dad, Bernice, Miss Phelps, Mr. Fog-Hat, etc.

    Third: Now When You get to the “Head” place pics of all the Annoying “Heart Throbs” You’ve Foolishly fallen for, like Aaron Hill, That Life-Guard Guy That You didn’t know was Married, and the Current Creep, Quill. But at the Very Center of That Morass, Include a Picture of Gunther with a LARGE Question Mark Superimposed over his face.

    Now Turn the Whole Mess In to Your Art Teacher, Professor Moon-Bat.And While He STARES in Stunned Disbelief, Leave and DROP His idiotic “Art” Class and Replace it with something MORE Practical like, Nuclear Engineering.Problem Solved.

    Oh, You DON’T have to THANK Me….,

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    beggar  almost 10 years ago

    The nose in #17 is all wrong.

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    rphbeta  almost 10 years ago

    Let’s all be different in the same way…

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    Pointspread  almost 10 years ago

    All this time reading this strip I never realized Luann was left handed.

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  18. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    A “face” consisting of just three dots and a small squiggle? Looks like Quill.

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    reedkomicks Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    “Even when I muscled up didn’t attract the ladies.”-Shoulda joined a band

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    reedkomicks Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Great arc to pull up!

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    JimT8  almost 10 years ago

    There is nothing brutal about what Bernice has been saying. She has basically been agreeing with what luann has been saying about herself.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 10 years ago

    Simplify, simplify, simplify.

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  23. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    interesting……. for Luann it would be that she is thinking of taking many roles thus she does not get the chance to base her decisions on a plan even of someone else, but just goes by instincts, sometimes does great, sometimes she strikes out

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    Dreamdeer  almost 10 years ago

    Good points made, shipping Tiff and Gunther, but it would be a phase both of them go through while sorting themselves out. Gunther would quickly get bored, and both would learn something from that. Personally, I’d ship Tiff/TJ. He sees potential there that she doesn’t know exists. And he likes brats. Sure they’ve had their conflicts, but nothing insurmountable. He could trick her into actually studying acting and get her out of her Walter Mitty wasteland.

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  25. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  almost 10 years ago

    The blessings of Minimalism.*Reminds me of a junior high school history assignment. Our teacher didn’t have a lesson plan so told us each to write two pages on anything we wanted. Easy, eh?*By the second page, even I (one of the more prolific writers), was counting on larger margins, double-spaced paragraphs, and larger handwriting.*Guess when we are young and new at expressing ourselves, we get right to the point. Now that we are older, we can pad with nuance.

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    ACTIVIST1234  almost 10 years ago

    Bern will be a great guidance counselor (even if her paid work is as a vet).

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    whiteaj  almost 10 years ago

    Luann must be ambidextrous. Today she’s left-handed!

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    naarf Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    I think Luann is left-handed. She has been drawing using her left hand in every strip this week.

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    Dreamdeer  almost 10 years ago

    Has anyone thought about how they’d do this art assignment, besides one who didn’t like it? This could be fun! Remember. you’d only have a short period of time to finish.1) Quick pencil sketch of my foot. 2) Stick my elbow in a copy machine and copy.. 3) Take a photo of me and make a grid of miniatures of it in different color treatments, a la Andy Warhol. 4) Outline my hand in ink. 5) Lay my hand on a flat rock and spatter paint around it, leaving a bare hand-shape (Zebo’d get the Paleolithic reference) 6) Model my head in various colors of Sculpey clay. 7) Draw a quick treetrunk and branches, dip my fingers in green ink, and make fingerprints for the leaves (hey, the cops consider fingerprints a portrait!) 8) Quick impressionistic version in watercolor crayons. 9) Detailed realistic painting of my eye. 10) Small lock of my braided hair shaped into a heart. 11) Various statistics about me, typed in photoshop, overlapping, in many different fonts and colors. 12) A collage of images representing my soul. 13) A black and white photo of me sticking my tongue out at the professor. 14) A stylized leatherwork of my face. 15) A self-portrait on wood with my wood-burning tool. 16) A photo of my footprints through mud. 17) I’d take a big sheet of refrigerator-box cardboard, have a friend outline my body, and then I’d cut it out.

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    naarf Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Seems likely we will be treated to Zebo’s brilliant art analysis once again. My question:What will he wear? I await with great eagerness!

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    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    LOL, “dot com”!!!

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    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    "Zebo will hold up #17 and say to her: ".. and WHAT do you call THIS? … then next panel : " I’ll tell you what I call it! SHEER GENIUS ! . You’ve boiled down your essence to it’s purest form!" ^LOL, could very well happen!

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    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    Ha ha ha!!!

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    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    (Quill outline:) Lol, so true!!!

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  35. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    almost anyone would find her personality repulsive(except maybe Leslie) and TJ found Toni’s friend fascinating but after EMT classes were over(or maybe sooner, when TJ quit), Toni’s friend disappeared

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    Airman  almost 10 years ago

    Luann’s fans amaze me…almost as dedicated as Trekkies.

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    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    And not to mention the prevalence of “selfie sticks”!

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    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    I happened upon a website that listed some of the paintings that have sold for millions, and each of them are nothing more than some “blob” of paint on a paper, or a random shape made of one color, or even just a bunch of squiggly lines…literally!

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    JayBluE  almost 10 years ago

    I’m also among those who prefer to be called a “Trekker”. It’s funny that it always seems to come down to who you ask, as to which name you prefer, and also whether each would mean you go “all out” with merchandise, etc. or just like the shows and movies…

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    TORAD_07  almost 10 years ago

    Now, Tiffany would never, ever do a thing like take those tickets and use them to go with someone else. A nice girl like her would never, ever do something like that. I feel terrible about thinking badly of her. I’m just ReallyAwful.

    Believe it or not, this actually happened to me my freshman year in college. Albeit a “free concert,” I had invited a young lady who had, initially, said yes to going with me. It got up to I think maybe 2-3 days prior to the concert, she backed off the date, indicating that she had an “all day” picnic to go to, and wouldn’t be able to attend.

    On the afternoon of the concert, I happened to be walking up the main drag of the campus and saw the young lady with her “picnic date.” I saw them riding bycycles but no picnic basket. Yogi would have been disappointed. She even had the nerve to wave to me.

    Undaunted, I went to the concert stag, anyway. When what do I see but this same lady, sitting a few rows ahead of me, with ol’ “picnic boy” right next to her. They did not notice me there.

    Needless to say, I never spoke to her again. Difficult, since we both had student jobs that often required us to interact. We did so in silence. All she had to do was “just say no,” when I asked her initially, and it would have been done with. Just say, “sorry, but I’m seeing someone else…” Is that so difficult to say? Yeah, it would have stung a little, but I would have had much more respect for her in the longer term..

    After my freshman year, I got a different job.

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    TORAD_07  almost 10 years ago

    Some time after we met, she succumbed to peer pressure and took up the practice of smoking cigarettes. Her friends convinced her that it would make her seem more sophisticated and debonair.

    Mannnn….. Then again, considering what “peer pressure” requires some kids to do these days, getting them to smoke seems like nothing. Hopefully, kids are better educated, at least about that.

    Yeah, I wasn’t going to let her stop me. It was a series big band jazz concerts offered by the music school students, and nothing was going to keep me from that. Those guys “cooked.” Almost as good as either an Ellington or Basie band… I wish they had those kinds of bands, these days.

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    Argythree  almost 10 years ago

    SPOILER ALERT-And it was neither. Just an interesting continuation of the snark show…

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    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    at least Bern stopped being part of science/medical team of star trek

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    Argythree  almost 10 years ago

    Not necessarily. Just that she would either stop with the unneeded snark, or admit that she doesn’t want to continue an old friendship and move on…

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    wiselad  almost 10 years ago

    you know Scott and Uhura plus Lt Leslie wore Red in original star trek, right?

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    Argythree  almost 10 years ago

    Yeah, and lots of those who ‘moved on’ went to the big round up in the stars…

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    Dreamdeer  almost 10 years ago

    Bernice has always teased Luann yet stood by her. She has the loyalty of El Cid (a medieval knight exiled for telling his king uncomfortable truths, who continued to defend the king’s borders from outside, called in ballads the Loyalest of Knights.) A true friend tells you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. Sometimes it’s a bit rough, but teenagers and twenty-somethings need some time to learn diplomacy.

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