La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for February 16, 2015

  1. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 10 years ago

    Intolerant people are intolerant!Also unfriendly to strangers, afraid to learn about other cultures and want to make the present like the past.

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    shnathe  about 10 years ago

    The basic flaw in your argument indiethink is that you are equating comments/posts with comics. Graphic artists and their critics – apples and oranges…

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    cdward  about 10 years ago

    Among the flaws in your argument are, 1) as Steve Nathe says, Lalo is writing a comic strip – the job of most of them is to comment on the situation of the days. And as Jenny MCarthy is a vocal proponent of a dangerous movement which clearly harms society, she is fair game.2) By calling fans of Lalo “Lemmings” you exhibit the very attributes of a troll as defined in your post.3) You seem to think that attacking someone’s opinion (in this case Jenny McCarthy’s) somehow attacks their rights to have that opinion. These two are not equivalent.4) You have always had freedom to post, regardless of what others post, and certainly regardless of what the cartoonist offers. All you have to do is abide by the community norms of the hosting website (which has the right to ban you if you choose to ignore their norms).

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    WestNYC Premium Member about 10 years ago

    back on topic: Today’s toon is a good one.

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    tallguy98366  about 10 years ago

    Americans sad worship of celebs has yeilded rotten fruit yet again with the acceptance of Jenny McCarthy, a total moron, as a valid anything. She read stuff on the nternet which of course is ALWAYS accurate, published three books which other morons bought and has contributed to useless, stupid deaths. Congrats.

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    Lorenzo Browncoat  about 10 years ago

    I’ve stayed out of this argument, but there are 2 points:

    Indie himself admits that Lalo misses the essential element, " the internet."

    Second point, newspaper editors, and possibly websites, value Lalo’s work highly enough to pay him for it.

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  7. Qc1
    agrestic  about 10 years ago

    Wow, folks must think indie’s starving, because they sure do seem to be feeding him a lot today. Based on what y’all are saying, it seems to be the same round-and-round he thrives on. It’s obviously your prerogative to reply to him, but just realize that all this will do is encourage him to post even more.

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