Moderately Confused by Jeff Stahler for February 23, 2015

  1. I m waitring
    Barker62  almost 10 years ago

    Who’s Harper Lee and why should we care?

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    A Martin  almost 10 years ago

    If the question is serious: Harper Lee wrote To Kill a Mockingbird in 1960 and no other novels until …If you are unfamiliar with To Kill a Mockingbird, check it out

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    JoeStoppinghem Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Yea, it’s just a money grab, from her attorneys..

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    Pithy (yeah, right)  almost 10 years ago

    Actually, the “new” novel was written long ago (probably before “To Kill a Mockingbird”), but is only now being published now.

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    NaturLvr  almost 10 years ago

    What passes for entertainment in today’s world can dull the senses to more subtle and cerebral works, ones that make you think and feel, not simply “entertain” or cure boredom…for 90 minutes.

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    CeeJay  almost 10 years ago

    To Kill A Mockingbird is an American classic. Harper Lee didn’t need to write anything else. The book that is being released was her original plan for her novel. The publisher requested a re-write, and To Kill A Mocking Bird was the result. The movie version is one of the few times Hollywood got it right.There has always been talk about what is the great American novel I nominate To Kill A Mockingbird. It is still relevent in the 21st century.

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    rayfinfer  almost 10 years ago

    But all that aside, what is this cartoon supposed to be about? People standing in line?? Am I missing something here??

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    pjvela242  almost 10 years ago

    This is a sequel to To Kill A Mockingbird, according to Harper. @Ray – these are the people who don’t know you can pre-order on Amazon I guess.

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