Rob Rogers for February 12, 2015

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    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    Where today are Christians beheading and burning alive innocent civilians in the name of Jesus?We do know where MILLIONS of Moslims are murdering innocents today.Why can’t B. Hussein just admit they’re Islamic Terrorists?

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    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    “Good Christians” today are much more civilized, they use 2,000 lb bombs, drones and rockets, napalm, cluster bombs that blow kids arms off, lots of civilized “better ways”. Or, they rely on old fashioned lynching, dragging folks behind their trucks till their heads pop off, and other sublties. As to overseas folks, there’s “necklacing” with old tires,etc, somewhat less sophisticated in the third world.

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    manteo16nc  over 9 years ago

    No connection to atheism…

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    eepatt  over 9 years ago

    When we invaded Iraq based on total lies that were created by our leaders and promulgated by a lazy, unquestioning media, we burned and tore apart thousands of Iraqis, civilian and otherwise. We intentionally tortured people as a matter of policy (Remember Mr. Rumsfeld saying publicly “I want to Gitmo-ize Abu Graib”?) Of course we are surprised when Iraqis and other Muslims remember that we invaded another country that did not threaten us in any way. Were we a “Christian nation” when we invaded Iraq and killed 4000 of our own and tens off thousands of Iraqis? I think we were, and still are, lacking humanity.

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    frodo1008  over 9 years ago

    He and Harley have a real problem with reality, always have had, and quite probably always will have!!

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    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    From the KKK official website: “Bringing a message of hope and deliverance to white CHRISTIAN America.” They say it, not me.

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    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    So sad that libs on here can only say “Well thousands of years ago cavemen also raped little girls and cut off innocent people’s heads, so let’s not judge the Islamic Terrorists today”!Simpletons.

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    Jason Allen  over 9 years ago

    “The KKK was not a religion. Just because they burned a cross does not mean that they were Christians. They did not do the terrible things while saying “Praise God” so don’t try to link the two. This is just as bad as when Obama tried to link the Crusades and American Christians.”Except that’s basically the same argument that’s been made about fanatical Muslim fundamentalists.

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    markjoseph125  over 9 years ago

    The first two panels of this cartoon are both incorrect. Replace “no” with “tight” and they will be accurate.Although ConserveGov is a lying, “fact” inventing right-wing nut job, there is no gainsaying his point that christians in 2015 are, in fact, less violent than muslims. What he abjectly fails to do is to ask why this should be the case. Is the bible less violent than the koran? No. Have christians historically behaved better than muslims? No (just ask the jews). Would christians still be as violent and barbaric as muslims if only post-Enlightenment secularism hadn’t robbed them of the political power to engage in barbarity and violence? Oh yes.Steven Weinberg penned one of the most incisive explanations of this fact:“Religious readers may object that the harm in all these cases is done by perversions of religion, not by religion itself. But religious wars and persecutions have been at the center of religious life throughout history. What has changed, that these now seem to some people in some parts of the world to be only perversions of true religious belief? Has there been a new supernatural revelation, or a discovery of lost sacred writings that put religious teachings in a new light? No—since the Enlightenment there has been instead a spread of rationality and humanitarianism that has in turn affected religious belief, leading to a wider spread of religious toleration. It is not that religion has improved our moral sense but that a purely secular improvement in our moral values has improved the way religion is practiced here and there.” Facing Up, pp. 255-256

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