See ya later! What the... What's covering my eyes? I can't see! I'm blind! You're in love.
December 04, 2018
January 17, 2018
Connie to the Wonnie needs that.
Same thing…..
Don’t worry. As soon as you sense he is with someone else, that eyesight will return in a hurry.
Finally, logic
This must be why I can never find what my wife has left out in plain sight.
mr_sherman Premium Member about 10 years ago
Connie to the Wonnie needs that.
6turtle9 about 10 years ago
Same thing…..
katina.cooper about 10 years ago
Don’t worry. As soon as you sense he is with someone else, that eyesight will return in a hurry.
My Social Security Number Is over 7 years ago
Finally, logic
kf6rro about 5 years ago
This must be why I can never find what my wife has left out in plain sight.