Monty by Jim Meddick for March 04, 2015
Monty destroy metal suit! Good work, my friend! You're playing directly into my plans! Gug? That's right, fool! I set on the board of Lockheed dynamics! My associates and I profit immensely on re-orders of these suits! Destroy all you want!!! Monty confused. Want to destroy suit... But... But... Splendid! A monetary delay!... All I need to open my video panel and subject him to my 2013 Charley Rose interview!!! Monty feeling tired... Monty passing out...
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Yep, this sounds about right.
bama1fan92 almost 10 years ago
Chaney has been out of office for six years. Can’t you find someone fresh to pick on.
pam Miner almost 10 years ago
Cheney is a man without a conscience. He is another one of those who like to push the needy in front of a bus.No sense of right and wrong at all.
ladamson1918 almost 10 years ago
Remember when Halliburton got the food service contract for the American soldiers in Iraq and poisoned hundreds of them?
Sisyphos almost 10 years ago
Big Bad Bot smarter than MontyHulk. MontyHulk doomed!Curses on Charlie Rose!
slhansen07 almost 10 years ago
Please come back, “normal” Monty.
Govi Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Dick Cheney, finally in the job he so richly deserves: a comic strip villain. How well it suits him!
honest1 almost 10 years ago
Time to move this comic strip to the opinion – editorials page.. I dare this strip to show Bengazi, Mohammed, or Hillary oh dear can’t step on the sacred things like global warming…drink your koolaid all this strip is history
socalvillaguy Premium Member almost 10 years ago
People will stop “picking” on Dick Cheney when he crawls back into the hole from which he came. However, he will NEVER do it. He’s still a regular on television, spewing his bile to any journalistic hack that will entertain his rants. So as long as he continues to speak publicly on current events (read: bashing the current administration) and defends the disastrous foreign policy the GWB years foisted on the world (which we’re still reeling from), he’s fair game for lampooning.
Monster Hesh almost 10 years ago
I thought all the sobbing tea-babies already left the strip, slamming the door behind them. Why are they still here? Do they need an expensive government bail-out program to show them the exit?
pschearer Premium Member almost 10 years ago
All this just to distract attention from the fact that Obama is the most useless president since Jimmy Carter.
joed99 almost 10 years ago
Shame on Meddick…considering dropping this strip. I get enough political crap elsewhere. And if you are going to be political, what about doing something relevant to today, like drone strikes or something..oh, can’t possibly do that as that’s under Obama.