B.C. by Mastroianni and Hart for February 22, 2015

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    Tars Tarkas  about 10 years ago

    If this poem didn’t hit you square between the eyes, then read it again and think that the first four lines occurred about 30 years ago and the last four lines in the last 10-15 years.

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    ladykat Premium Member about 10 years ago

    I know.

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    biglar  about 10 years ago

    The real question is to the younger (non-Cold War) generation: Are you able to handle it? The American Cold War Generation didn’t win it with “tolerance” and “understanding.” We won it by locking and loading and standing our ground. If you flinch when facing people like Putin, you will be devoured.

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    gcwh  about 10 years ago

    The “Entrenched Tribal Power” and “No common cause pursued” makes me think more of ISIS than the ongoing events in the Ukraine. ISIS is heavily tribal and does not seem to have a common cause with anyone. Then again, it also points to the fact the entire world can’t get on the same page with priorities.

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    jtviper7  about 10 years ago

    Dave’s not here…

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    Skippingby Premium Member about 10 years ago

    I thought the Entrenched Tribal Powers was talking about the Dems/GOPs and tearing the US into two.

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    loner34  about 10 years ago

    If you draw a line in the SAND the next breeze covers it.Better to draw a line on hard ground. (I know that is difficult in that part of the country), but it needs to NOT MOVE.

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    adm_caine1812  about 10 years ago

    Hit the nail squarely on the head. The writers of B. C. have always told the truth with their strips through the years and never once worried about how it would be perceived. They have never flinched.

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    Jack Bell Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Now that’s a poem worth paying attention to.

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    Sheila Hardie  about 10 years ago

    I blame religious zealotry. With God on your side, how can you be wrong?

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    laisla1315  about 10 years ago

    Like most good poems, this one lends itself to different interpretations. It could be about the end of Soviet Union, the interminable wars in the Middle East or the current situation in Ukraine, just take your pick.

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    nanellen  about 10 years ago

    or the divide caused by our government

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    Saddenedby Premium Member about 10 years ago

    worthy of Hart!

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    JP Steve Premium Member about 10 years ago

    You forgot to add “Nya, nya, made you look!!”

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  about 10 years ago

    Which brings up the concept of divided government being important to avoid tyranny. The three branches with powers to stop each other from becoming tyrants. .Executive to carry out faithfully the laws passed by the legislative branch, but with power to veto bad legislation unless it is popular enough to override the veto..Legislative with power to remove executive or judicial people from office for high crimes and misdemeanors..Judicial with power to rule on how the laws apply but without the power to enforce their rulings other than by persuasion..Legislative divided by both population and by state to avoid mob rule and stomping on small states. (also to convince small states to buy into the concept in the first place).Powers limited by the Constitution regarding what laws simply can not be passed and what remains powers of states versus federal government..Unless all agree something is pretty good, little evil is done.. Many don’t like the fact that 50% plus one doesn’t mean they can run roughshod over 50% minus one, but that still sounds like a good idea to me..Everything should be done in the open without sleight of hand and with general agreement. Slow is better than fast other than in times of war and other national emergency. Just thinking something is too important to think about and get right insures us it will be done wrong. .In case any try to force others to obey them without proper consideration of the needs and desires of the people, the people can completely replace the House of Representatives every two years and a third of the Senate. Every four years, the House of Representatives CAN be replaced twice as well as two thirds of the Senate and the President..Sometimes what looks like a failure of government is it functioning exactly as it was designed to function, even if it also means I don’t always get MY way..Life is good.So is America(most of the time)

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    bsox  about 10 years ago


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    primalcoach  almost 10 years ago

    I think you’re right, for what you’re saying, but I also think they are right who see it on a more global scale. It’s one of those things where the micro fits into and is virtually the same as the macro that engulfs it. The whole world is multi-divisive right now, a political/military/economic free-for-all slugfest from local neighborhood groups to city politics and on up the socio-economic ladder where the infighting simply mirrors the same noise as back down there. And I think the poem is brilliantly written and reflects that same multi-layered sentiment. Notice nowhere does it imply a geographical boundary to the essential message.

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