Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for February 26, 2015
verne: I think doris the screaming goat screams as a protection against predators. rj: predators? verne: you know, apex predators who would want to eat her. rj: eat her? Shreeek! RJ: Are they listed? Do they make house calls? verne: Check angie's list. hammy: I think we should go.
aardvarkseyes almost 10 years ago
It doesn’t take long for a screaming goat to outstay its welcome…
Randy B Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Call in a chupa-screaming-cabra.
KenTheCoffinDweller almost 10 years ago
And Doritos would probably like to have their goat back.
juicebruce almost 10 years ago
Perhaps the boys could use her the next time they go to Cost-lo……………….
Darque Hellmutt almost 10 years ago
I was hoping to hear some interesting comments here, but my ears are still numb….
dogday Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Lewis and Fry, the art here is just perfect. Hammy in the first panel….Doris (?)….the last panel….all laugh-out-loud worthy! And Verne’s and RJ’s comments in the last panel; I’ll never use Angie’s list again without thinking about screaming goats and Hammy.
Saddenedby Premium Member almost 10 years ago
hurry hammy before rj comes up with a goat and twinkies casserole !
Black4dder almost 10 years ago
Never heard of Angie’s List before.
Fenshaw almost 10 years ago
I was a lab assistant once with a colony of Japanese Quail. They sound like a telephone bell (back when telephones had bells.)