Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for March 10, 2015
Adam: Okay. I put this tube in my mouth, and I'll be drip-fed coffee as I wake. Laura: This seems really dumb. Won't you scald yourself? Or choke? Adam: It's set at a lukewarm temp and at a slow, slow drip. And don't mind that short-circuiting sound. That's totally normal, I think.
Ol Skool almost 10 years ago
but what exactly is normal?
Nighthawks Premium Member almost 10 years ago
more likely that’s his brain short circuiting
mourdac Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Hmm, liquids and electricity – and she’s staying in the bed next to him?
spiffny almost 10 years ago
This can go wrong so many ways…
rnrnetmails almost 10 years ago
This can only happen in cartoons – that his wife takes all this with equanimity. Mine would have had me physically restrained by now.
Perkycat almost 10 years ago
That “I think” at the end of the sentence means he isn’t thinking.
ChessPirate almost 10 years ago
“No disassemble!”
shamest Premium Member almost 10 years ago
as a former electronic tech now system admin/network admin. No No those noise are never ever good. I hope your wife know where the circuit breakers, and knows what to do when you are being shocked be your coffee maker.
Dr_Fogg almost 10 years ago
Y B Normal?
MontanaLady almost 10 years ago
Hope their fire insurance is paid up!
jud03005 almost 10 years ago
Anyone else thinking this:
neverenoughgold almost 10 years ago
I think the “slow, slow drip” is actually holding the tube…
Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Iced coffee may be a better option at this point.
Jeff0811 almost 10 years ago
Ok, if he’s determined to be stupid, at least be smart about it. Set his alarm clock 2 or 3 minutes before his coffee maker goes off, then put the tube in his mouth, enjoy!
pcolli almost 10 years ago
Intravenous is the answer.
nyor almost 10 years ago
There is evidence that Adam was not always thinking about coffee when he and Laura went to bed.