F Minus by Tony Carrillo for March 14, 2015

  1. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  about 10 years ago

    “But we don’t want to alienate them, do we? Oh, wait- …yeah, I guess we do….”– “And while you’re at it, only give them five stars out of 100,000!”

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  2. Cog
    Ziveron  about 10 years ago

    Mostly harmless.

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  3. Cat 03
    stlmaddog5  about 10 years ago

    People still aren’t ready to accept the truth. Fact is, the human race is NOT native to this planet. Like the Asian Carp in the Mississippi River, we are an invasive species introduced to this planet by the authorities of our home planet. The planet Earth was used as a penal colony, much the same as Austria was used by Great Britain between 1780-1868*. The penal colony on Earth, however, was used exclusively to isolate the criminally insane from the home planet. We, who call ourselves the human race, are the descendants of those prisoners stranded here. This is why the human race has violent tendencies. This explains why mankind can not be expected to collectively do the right thing when it comes to subjects like global warming. This is why we allow ourselves to be governed by “politicians”. We, as a race, are collectively insane. The authorities of our home world occasionally check up on us to make sure that we are not a threat to escape our confinement to this planet. That is why there are UFO’s. Should they ever decide that we are capable of leaving this planet and infesting the galaxy outside our solar system, they will take action to eliminate that possibility. That is why we must dismantle the space program and discontinue NASA.. Otherwise we will doom ourselves to a fate far worse than global warming. See, I told you that you weren’t ready to accept the truth!

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    ogie51  about 10 years ago

    Mostly Harmless

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  5. 18980 247884710949 701870949 3779630 5724937 n
    ogie51  about 10 years ago

    ….and it was Australia by the way, Austria is just South of Germany….

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  6. Treefrog
    skyriderwest  about 10 years ago

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  7. Bernese puppy
    gorbasche2  about 10 years ago

    ? When did THAT come out? I didn’t care much for SLATFATF, hopefully this one is better.

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    Mrstaggart  about 10 years ago

    The bad review? That’s why the bypass was built!

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  9. Mainavatar
    Leroy  about 10 years ago

    Hey, hold on a minute —We have the best Chinese food in the universe.

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