A watched pot never boils... but time flies when you're having fun! That's why we invented... Fun Pot! Using patented funtime Technology, Fun Pot seems to boil twice as fast as conventional pots!!! Cook the fun way, with Fun Pot!
I remember an infomercial from a long time ago for a device that would boil water and cook food faster. It was essentially a pot lid that would fit any pot. I wonder how many people bought it and then realized they already had pot lids.
Linux0s almost 10 years ago
Just don’t look at it.
Boots at the Boar Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I remember an infomercial from a long time ago for a device that would boil water and cook food faster. It was essentially a pot lid that would fit any pot. I wonder how many people bought it and then realized they already had pot lids.
Plods with ...™ almost 10 years ago
I believe pressure cookers work that way, but I could be wrong. Time funs when you’re having flies around here.
mightyfrog almost 10 years ago
Fun pot. Hmmm. Seems redundant.
Nobody_Important almost 10 years ago
Something that will boil water faster? If it means I don’t have to wait as long to make my morning tea I would like one!
Leeroy almost 10 years ago
Do not drop (Happy) Fun Pot. Do not expose (Happy) Fun Pot to extreme temperatures. Do not taunt (Happy) Fun Pot.