Zen Pencils by Gavin Aung Than for May 25, 2015
I know a place where the sun never shines. It’s at the bottom of the ocean. A crack in the crust there exudes chemicals and heats the water to boiling point. This would kill a human instantly. But there are creatures there, bacteria, that thrive. They eat the sulfur from the vent, and excrete sulfuric acid. I know a place where the temperature is fifteen million degrees, and the pressure would crush you to a microscopic dot. That place is the core of the sun. I know a place where the magnetic fields would rip you apart, atom by atom. I know a place where life began, billions of years ago. That place is here, the Earth. I know these places because I’m a scientist. Science is a way of finding things out. It’s what Richard Feynman called: Richard: A way of not fooling ourselves. No psychic, despite their claims, has ever helped the police solve a crime. But forensic scientists have, all the time. It wasn’t someone who practices homeopathy who found a cure for smallpox, or polio. Scientists did, medical scientists. No creationist ever cracked the genetic code. EVOLUTION: DEVIL. DARWIN. DAWKINS KIRK CAMERON Chemists did. Molecular biologists did. They used physics. They used math. They used chemistry, biology, astronomy, engineering. They used science. You can experience the thrill of discovery, the incredible, visceral feeling of doing something no one has ever done before, seen things no one has seen before. Know something no one else has ever known. No crystal balls, no tarot cards, no telescopes. Just you, your brain, and your ability to think. TELESCOPE GALAXY STAR 2000 Welcome to science. You’re gonna like it here. - Phil Plait
cripplious almost 10 years ago
Science split the atom, created fossil fuels and gave gun powder to the world.
hawgowar almost 10 years ago
Scientists also created chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. Scientists oversaw the the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, the Stanford Prison Experiment, the Monster Study (where orphaned children were mistreated), Homosexual Aversion Therapy and many scientists and doctors oversaw the experiments on humans during the Holocaust.
So don’t get a swelled head. Science is a two-edged sword.
topbunk almost 10 years ago
Yeah, but it wasn’t scientists that used it to screw things up. Mostly…
spaced man spliff almost 10 years ago
Science is like a tool. How it’s used depends on whose hands the project…..and it’s funding……….is being controlled.
jscam Premium Member almost 10 years ago
What’s wrong with homeopathy? It’s science also!
Dave Thompson Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Wow! Well done, zenpencil.
Thehag almost 10 years ago
Take care to respect science not worship it. Many of the world changing scientific discoveries have at first been seriously doubted by the scientific community.
damifid0 almost 10 years ago
With science,you have to ‘Prove’ the statement[theory] over and again. Science is always looking for the truth. Prove ‘it’. :) Peace.
ColonelClaus almost 10 years ago
Must I remind y’all.. A Theory is not Fact. It is not Proven. Theory is simply an explanation of what has been observed. It is neither proven nor disproven.Should there be an observation that is not explained by accepted theory, said theory is amended to explain the new observation.The street in front of my house was wet and water was standing this morning. My theory is that it rained last night. I did not see or hear it rain, I haven’t watched any news report.I could have theorized that A fire truck sprayed water all over everything.
chromosome Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I’ve had experiences with ESP and so have many of my friends. Unfortunately, I don’t know of anyone who can harness it to his or her whim. The more we learn of the way brains work, how electromagnetic and quantum fields work, we might find a scientific basis for psychic phenomena.
qazman_714 almost 10 years ago
Now now people there is plenty of room in this world for all of us. We can all live together under one roof, no matter who or what you believe created it.
Kind&Kinder almost 10 years ago
The problem is that when you start excluding sources of information and data because you don’t understand how they work or because you’ve inherited an unreasoning prejudice you introjected early in life, science fails. I love science, but we have to recognize, “science” is a word that comes from the Latin and means “knowledge”. We can gather knowledge from everywhere and use scientific method to determine its usefulness as we continue to test its validity—not through prejudice, but through validated experimentation.
Rauderi almost 10 years ago
Theories are SUPPORTED, not proven. LAWS are effectively proven, until such time we find a way around those as well. The point of a theory is that it can be tested via experimentation, and, if correct, have those experiments produce consistent results. That looks a lot like “proof,” but one must be careful when using “proof” or “proven.”
admwrlk Premium Member almost 10 years ago
had to share this one
nawsa Premium Member almost 10 years ago
My accupuncturist has fixed things that the doctor couldn’t but that has to be done on one person at a time so can’t ever have a mass effect. That doesn’t make it invalid. This included a large, swollen, very visible rash. Scientific modern medicine is more efficient if it works, but it’s sort of 1 size fits all.
WalterWhite almost 10 years ago
I could write a lot, but in reality to compare homeopathy to creationism and fortune tellers means someone’s an idiot and would never understand. BTW : I’m a doctor. A “real” one, not a homeopathy practitioner. This is how I know that there are many ailments that “science” cannot do much about, but homeopathy can.