Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for March 17, 2015
March 16, 2015
March 18, 2015
verne: I still have a headache. rj: what you need is a hug!..hammy? verne: This....isn't helping... harder, hammy. thump! hammy: I killed verne. rj: and the headache is...gone!
Plumbob Wilson almost 10 years ago
You Tamiasciurus!
bubbareb almost 10 years ago
I reiterate from yesterday: is there a date when humor and bitingly sarcastic sanguine wit is expected to return this strip?
Al Nala almost 10 years ago
Darque Hellmutt almost 10 years ago
O-M-G!!!!! He killed Kenn… uh…. VERNE!