Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for April 20, 2015
Lupin: The People won't let us up on the counter. Lupin: WHAT ARE THEY HIDING? Elvis: Lupin, Elvis here, where -- Man: Elvis, get off the counter. Man: C'mon. Puck: Lupin, for some time now the People have jealously guarded the counter for themselves. Man: Puck! Puck: What? Elvis: It's not understood why their precious counter is so sacred to them -- Puck: Lupin -- Lupin: Right here, Puck! Elvis: WHY HELLO, I NOTICE YOU ONLY HAVE TWO ARMS.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Clap your hands, yell Shoo, and Presto a no cat counter!(until they get up on the counter again)
Coyoty Premium Member almost 10 years ago
The people need better counter-measures.
Observer fo Irony almost 10 years ago
There nothing wrong with a little cat hair anywhere; just brush their hair and they will go away.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member almost 10 years ago
That’s why we only have two cats.
stlmaddog5 almost 10 years ago
Once you’ve squirted them enough, the cats know when the squirt bottle is pointed at them that it is time to go somewhere else.
AliCom almost 10 years ago
It still doesn’t explain why they are ‘hogging’ the counter.
katina.cooper almost 10 years ago
The reason they don’t want you on the counter is because they have baby food and baby milk on the counter, and it is very tasty.
prrdh almost 10 years ago
What’s on that coffee cup, anyway? An australopithecine skull?
Vet Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Have the people not learned?It’s a cat world and we are allowed the joy of being in their presence.Really Lupin and company must set up a program on Breaking Cat New to educate them. Puck could be Mr. Rodgers.
miscreant almost 10 years ago
Double sided tape works well. Cats don’t like it on their feet and you don’t have to be home to enforce the rules. My cats have always loved water so squirts bottles didn’t work anyway. Popping balloons when they get on the counter works too.
Banjo Gordy Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Puck Climbing up on counter with only one back leg is absolutely precious, & pure grit!
Perkycat almost 10 years ago
So funny and typical cat! They know they aren’t supposed to be there and keep jumping up. I love how Puck says "What?’ – like he is totally innocent.
SallyLin almost 10 years ago
They’re triple teaming him LOL!
Robert Maxell Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Open the silverware drawer and start rattling the utensils. The Cats will not only scat out of the kitchen, but they will fluff and puff in the most amazing way.
1148559 almost 10 years ago
My cats know better than to get on the kitchen counters when I am anywhere that I can see them.
ez173 almost 10 years ago
The best way to keep cats off counters is to put books or magazines on the edges of them slightly hanging off. This way when the cat attempts to jump on the counter the magazine will fall startling the cat and proving that the edge is unstable. It is the only way I have found that works when you aren’t home. After about a week you don’t have to do it anymore since the cat has learned by then that the edges of the counter are unstable for jumping on.
dogday Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I love Elvis’ furrowed brow and annoyed twitchy-tail in the last panel, when he thinks he’s triumphed over the man.. LOVE this strip! and BTW…this is the reason we don’t have cats. Well, this and litter boxes.
Ppyfss almost 10 years ago
I guess I am lucky. Out of all the cats I have shared my life with over the years, only one ever got on the counter. For some reason, the counter never held a fascination for them. Partly because I never have anything on the counter that interests them. Never found evidence of them getting up there when I was gone either. Guess I have a very boring kitchen.
knight1192a over 6 years ago
Our cats eat on the counter and top of the fridge. They have to, the dogs would get their food if you fed them on the floor.
kwblazek-16 about 3 years ago
LOL “Why hello, I notice you only have 2 arms”