Case # 1: HAs a vat of spirit Case #2: Jug head. Case # 3: Not sure wossamotta Case #4: Sort of hi Case #5: Burger blackouts Case #6: Gets plowed Case #7: Wanders in pajamas. Case #8: on fumes
Betty Rubble center for recovering toons
I’ve been rereading all of my “Calvin” books. I’m on #6 and Calvin has only gotten spanked twice! The artistic stuff with the snowmen shouldn’t be punished. Maybe explored through therapy, but not punished. The other 80% of his “activities” definitely deserve more than to be sent to his room. Even “Dennis the Menace” had his naughty corner. Meanwhile I’d forgotten how much of a nudist he was! Cute little tushies in every book.
The annual visit to the BETTY RUBBLE CENTER for recovering toons.
Besides, for Jughead (Case #2), did you know a reboot of Archie comics featuring a new Archie #1 with a rebooted new look Archie is about to be launched by Archie comics this Summer 2015? There had even been a Kickstarter campaign to help fund 3 more reboot titles in the new Archie line but the Archie Kickstarter campaign was quickly cancelled after 5 days not trying to reach a high goal? And the plans for the 3 rebooted companion New Archie related titles have been put on the backburner until at least the end of 2015 or sometime in 2016.
felinefan55 Premium Member over 9 years ago
I’ve been rereading all of my “Calvin” books. I’m on #6 and Calvin has only gotten spanked twice! The artistic stuff with the snowmen shouldn’t be punished. Maybe explored through therapy, but not punished. The other 80% of his “activities” definitely deserve more than to be sent to his room. Even “Dennis the Menace” had his naughty corner. Meanwhile I’d forgotten how much of a nudist he was! Cute little tushies in every book.
Darryl Heine over 9 years ago
The annual visit to the BETTY RUBBLE CENTER for recovering toons.
Besides, for Jughead (Case #2), did you know a reboot of Archie comics featuring a new Archie #1 with a rebooted new look Archie is about to be launched by Archie comics this Summer 2015? There had even been a Kickstarter campaign to help fund 3 more reboot titles in the new Archie line but the Archie Kickstarter campaign was quickly cancelled after 5 days not trying to reach a high goal? And the plans for the 3 rebooted companion New Archie related titles have been put on the backburner until at least the end of 2015 or sometime in 2016.
Zen-of-Zinfandel over 9 years ago
Case #9 – Silly drunk, agitated and sassy..Aunty Acid.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 9 years ago
I love seeing Bob there.
zippykatz over 9 years ago
The entire Peanuts gang ought to be there, and throw away the key. Neurotics, every one.
Mark Parisi creator over 9 years ago
Here are the previous ones:
Jonathan Lemon creator over 9 years ago
I love these! Great stuff. Nice to see Jill from Pajama Diaries in there this year.
hyhybt about 7 years ago
Who is #5?