Alice: THE UH OH BABY IS THE PORTENT OF DOOM! Beni:YAGH! Beni: Wait-why is the Uh-oh Baby the portent of doom? Alice: Because babies are our hope for the future. Alice: And a creepy baby can only mean bad news! Beni: That almost makes sense! YEEEAGH!
Sisyphos over 9 years ago
Sounds to me like reason enough to run around chaotically and scream in panic!
erik.vanthienen over 9 years ago
To run around chaotically … it’s a gas!
cdward over 9 years ago
Because Uh-oh!
Loijen over 9 years ago
WARNING, WARNING … With my arms flopping back and forth erratically in the air! and the top of my head flashing little lights of course!
Prey over 9 years ago
When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.Robert Heinlein – The Cat Who Walks Through Walls
calliopejane over 9 years ago
Well, the first time I ever saw a CdS comic with the uh-oh baby was as I was getting prepared for Hurricane Isaac. I posted it on facebook:
Isaac tore off a large part of my roof, such that the storm poured in and totally ruined a portion of my house.
Alice, you are correct, the uh-oh baby IS a portent of doom!!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 9 years ago
Almost, Beni, almost.
landsky over 9 years ago
I try to explain the Uh-Oh Baby to non readers and they just don’t get how terrifying it is! Oh, the nightmares won’t stop!
robert423elliott about 2 years ago
I have no idea how old I was when I first heard the word ‘portent’, what age I was when I learned its meaning or the age I was the first time I ever used it in a sentence if, indeed, I ever have used it in a sentence. But one thing I do know. None of those things happened when I was four years old, fourteen years old or even twenty four years old. I may not have used it in my whole 76 years I’ve been on this earth. I’m not sure!