My mother’s hearing aid used to whistle. And she couldn’t hear even with it, so we had to yell.Ma has ears in the back of her head, and they don’t need hearing aids!!
My neighbors like my new “ears.” Now they don’t have to listen to my TV shows. One of the better things I’ve done. And yes, Ma, not only do you have an Atomic Rear, you are a genetic carrier.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 9 years ago
My mother’s hearing aid used to whistle. And she couldn’t hear even with it, so we had to yell.Ma has ears in the back of her head, and they don’t need hearing aids!!
mikie2 over 9 years ago
My neighbors like my new “ears.” Now they don’t have to listen to my TV shows. One of the better things I’ve done. And yes, Ma, not only do you have an Atomic Rear, you are a genetic carrier.
Dani Rice over 9 years ago
My mother couldn’t hear when we talked to her, but let my sister and me whisper something in the other room, and man! she was right on it!
Lakegal over 9 years ago
Plus I like the spoon collection.
orbenjawell Premium Member over 9 years ago
….derriere aux hippopotamus, perhaps?
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 9 years ago
Watching The Odd and Useless, for them, would be like looking in the mirror