Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for June 01, 2015

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    BE THIS GUY  almost 10 years ago

    Can Duke take it in reverse all the way back to Miami?

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    thirdguy  almost 10 years ago

    Because of course, if you go backwards, all the water that rushed in, will rush out. Because that’s how comic strip physics works.

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    Pointspread  almost 10 years ago

    That’s funny!

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    WaitingMan  almost 10 years ago

    Cue the Celine Dion music.

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    Packratjohn Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    You reminded me of Bugs Bunny and his visit to No Bikini Atoll….

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    summerdog86  almost 10 years ago

    Do communists wear bikinis?

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    johndifool  almost 10 years ago

    More like all the way back to the Titanic…

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 10 years ago

    well, it IS a voyageand it is reasonable to assume Duke is one of the damned….

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    Gokie5  almost 10 years ago

    OK, this may not line up 100% with today’s strip, but one July 4th we were visiting friends who lived on a lake. Tied to a dock next door was a rowboat with the stern under water. There were a couple of young women in the boat, frantically trying to bail it out. Of course the water would roll right back in as they bailed. We were watching, trying mightily not to laugh in their faces.

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    patlaborvi  almost 10 years ago

    I think this would be more “Voyage of the Duke”

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    caligula  almost 10 years ago

    Now all he has to do is get rescued by an RN frigate and his customers will be satisfied afterall.

    Well, as long as it isn’t the HMS Sheffield.

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