When I was a little kid, I used to spend summers on my Grandparents farms. One summer I spent playing with a rather sweet foal. Unfortunately, I taught it how to head butt. My Grandpa was rather alarmed! He said that it was cute in a tiny foal, but when he was full grown it was going to be a real problem. I wonder if he ever forgot? (I don’t mean my Grandpa)
My understanding is that a cat’s head butt is a sign of submission. I’m not sure just what signal Arlo is sending, but judging by Ludwig’s response, it must be something nice.
TaliesinWI over 9 years ago
Nachikethass over 9 years ago
I love kitty head butts!
efluffy over 9 years ago
Vibrissa Mind Meld ?
AliCom over 9 years ago
Ludwig looks so cute and affectionate.
stlmaddog5 over 9 years ago
My son Bentley likes to head butt. Sign of affection.
sesack4th over 9 years ago
that really is sweet
ARLOS DAD over 9 years ago
A meeting of the minds…….
morningglory73 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Head butt and nose to nose touch.
ladylagomorph76 over 9 years ago
When I was a little kid, I used to spend summers on my Grandparents farms. One summer I spent playing with a rather sweet foal. Unfortunately, I taught it how to head butt. My Grandpa was rather alarmed! He said that it was cute in a tiny foal, but when he was full grown it was going to be a real problem. I wonder if he ever forgot? (I don’t mean my Grandpa)
Cozmik Cowboy over 9 years ago
I’ve seen enough Ludwig strips to last 2 lifetimes.
blanche64 over 9 years ago
if i read a Ludwig strip every day for the rest of my life I’d be very happy!
Sheila Hardie over 9 years ago
I love Ludwig. He reminds me of a kitty I once knew.
JoePhan over 9 years ago
My understanding is that a cat’s head butt is a sign of submission. I’m not sure just what signal Arlo is sending, but judging by Ludwig’s response, it must be something nice.
amethyst52 Premium Member over 9 years ago
When I lean down my kitty stands up and head butts me. It’s a sign of love and affection.
LuvThemPluggers over 9 years ago
My childhood cat, Sparky, gave great head butts along with loud purring. I never had another cat that did it.