Annie by Jay Maeder and Alan Kupperberg for May 23, 2010

  1. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 15 years ago

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  2. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 15 years ago

    Something is VERY wrong.

    Good Morning All

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  3. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Cometā„¢  almost 15 years ago

    Good morning everyone!

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  4. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 15 years ago

    Better late then never, bell hop! Good morning night owls and sock puppets!

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  5. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 15 years ago

    He looks like a mean Mr. Clean.

    The Pig on Wheels is back.


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  6. 1 5 2005 1
    shirttailslim  almost 15 years ago

    A new day dawns, the alarm is about to be raised. A mile out she be thrown in the water. Bet they wonā€™t even untape her hands, Does anyone have a scenario that might work???

    You out there VistaBill. I shall post this, then the story of the songs creation.

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  7. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 15 years ago

    The Pig is celebrating.

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  8. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Cometā„¢  almost 15 years ago

    Shirttail Slim said, ā€œYou out there VistaBill. I shall post this, then the story of the songs creation.ā€

    Iā€™m here!

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  9. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Cometā„¢  almost 15 years ago

    margueritem said, ā€œThe Pig is celebrating.ā€


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  10. 1 5 2005 1
    shirttailslim  almost 15 years ago

    I was camped on the North Fork of the American River in 1976 prospecting. Camp was about two niles upstream from the mouth of Shirttail Creek. There were a few cabins down at Shirttail built on state land, and people would come up on weekends from the Sacramento area during the summer sometimes.

    I went down one weekebd to see if some friends had come up, and they had, about a half-dozen or so. There was a big roofed over deck above the river with a hunningbird feeder hanging at the edge. I was sitting out there talking and watching the hummingbirds. There was some leafy green substance smoldering in my immedeate vicinity a good part of the time I was there. I became very fascinated by the birds and when I left that afternoon I was thinking about them all the way back to camp, composing a poem in my mind.,

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  11. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 15 years ago

    Does the green leafy substance figure into this poem, Mr. Slim?

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  12. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Cometā„¢  almost 15 years ago

    Ready for more, Shirttail Slim. Iā€™m fascinated so far.

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  13. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 15 years ago

    Me too, I even went and commented on that goofy Dick Tracy comic while Iā€™m waiting.

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  14. 1 5 2005 1
    shirttailslim  almost 15 years ago

    So there I was with hummingbirds fluttering in my brain as I pursued my muse. I came up with a verse that i liked butā€¦. one verse doesnā€™t make much of a poem, much less a song. Over the following days I came up with a coupke more verses and a melody, worked out the chords and had The Hummingbird Song.

    Hummingbird came by one day and he hovered ub the air. Said he, ā€œMy friend maybe you can help me, oh, please could you tell me where Abird might find something pretty and sweet to quench a terrible thirst? Iā€™m on my way nearly all the day and I get such a fierce little thirst.

    Oh, my brother, Iā€™ll helo you if I can But things likr these, the taste to please Are seldom known to man.

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  15. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Cometā„¢  almost 15 years ago

    This is becoming addictive, Shirtail Slim, but itā€™s time to say goodnightā€¦

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  16. 1 5 2005 1
    shirttailslim  almost 15 years ago

    Margueritem said:

    Does the green leafy substance figure into this poem, Mr. Slim.

    No, but it certainly had a part in it happening.

    A few years ago some friends of mine jeard me play it on the open mic show I hosted at one of the clubs and said they thought bthe words were depressing., so itā€™s sub-title was born: The Envirenmental Blues.

    Over the previous tow or three years, up on Shirttail Creek I saw the future beginning to make itsellf visible. 35 ywaes ago I was seeing thins changing.

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  17. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  almost 15 years ago

    Though it is against her wishes Annie may soon sleep with the fishes A heavy weight, a sullen splash And then she will breathe her last A mile out and a mile down Deep in the sea she will drown A tasty treat for some shark This little trip is no lark Back at home Sandy sounds the alarm He fears his mistress has come to harm His howling has had a desired effect Now someone will come to inspect The reason for his barks and howls Maybe he just needs some fresh towels So we leave Annie with disaster on the brink As the captain threatens to throw her in the drink Will papa sacrifice himself for her to save From the clutches of a watery grave Time is swiftly running out for our girl What may happen sets the mind awhirl.

    Shirttail Slim, do you have any of your music you could link us to? It would be great to hear it also.

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  18. 1 5 2005 1
    shirttailslim  almost 15 years ago

    Trout came by in the river one day and fanned his tail in the sand. Said he, ā€œmy riverā€™s getting nasty round me, ans now they want to build a dam. I need a place where the water flows clean with a current in which to roam. Clear and cool, with a deep dark pool, A place a fish could call a home,ā€

    Oh, my brither, Iā€™ll help you if I can, But things like these, the heart to please Are seldom known to man.

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  19. 1 5 2005 1
    shirttailslim  almost 15 years ago

    Sorry, WW. I havea home made CD, but nothing on the net.

    I have an old dinosaur dial-up modem, which severely limits my options.

    I dont sell them, except in rare circumstances. Mostly I just give them away.

    And the Hummingbird Song isnā€™t on the CD

    The CD is 75 minutes long with sume live tracks from my Bā€™day show in 2001, stuff I laid down ib my apartment, poetry and some straifgt talk about life, and living it.

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  20. 1 5 2005 1
    shirttailslim  almost 15 years ago
    Verse three

    Man came by on the road one dsy, looked like he wsr leaving town Said he, ā€œMy friend Iā€™ve gotta get out, if not I fear Ill go down. I need a place where the green things grow and the stars are seen at night. Where flowers bloom and thereā€™s a bit of room, oh where csn I find such a site?ā€

    Oh, my Brother, Iā€™ll help you if I can, But thing like these, the soul to please Are seldom known to man.

    It was a few years later that, being a reasonable person willing to listen to both sides of as argument (no matter how stupid one side was, and some times both sides) that I wrote a rebuttal verse for the other view, Soā€¦ā€¦ā€¦

    Met a man on the traik one day, he was dripping sweat in the sun Said he to me as he shifted his pack, ā€œI really donā€™t think this is fun. Iā€™ve got a place where the cool air bloes and at night I can furn on a light. My TVā€™s there, infront of my chair and Iā€™m really gonna miss it tonight.ā€

    On, my Brother, Iā€™ll help you if I can But thins like these, the mind to freeze, Are too well known to msn.

    I thank you for your patience, and hope I caught my typos. Nost of them anyway,

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  21. 1 5 2005 1
    shirttailslim  almost 15 years ago

    I too must rest mt weary bones qnd give my mind a rest . All that typing with my bad eyes, and in low lighting has been a bit of a trst.

    But what the heck Iā€™m proud of my words and quite willing to share them. I only hope some of you will like them.

    Gā€™night friends, LOL:-)

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  22. Missing large
    anopcfox1  almost 15 years ago

    Punjab and the Asp will now return.

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  23. Odd spots 002
    sydney  almost 15 years ago

    Natalee Annie Hollowayā€™s missing - in *Aruba Bay Sandyā€™s sniffing, heā€™s cunning, heā€™ll come running But Daddy Butcherā€™s sailed away The ā€˜raison dā€™etre for Leakyā€™s fish is stunning ;-)

    It will save the drowning of our ā€™Annieā€™ Holloway Beware revenge by Punjabā€™s blanket for it is very near For though Sandyā€™s fast and running heā€™s just too far away. But Mr. Am will tell you, sheā€™ll be back, our Annie. the girl with auburn hair.

    substitute ā€˜Yucatanā€™ ā€“ AND with apologies to W.W. our ā€˜Poet Laureateā€™

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  24. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  almost 15 years ago

    ShirttailSlimā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦what a treasure!!

    I look forward to all your stories each night. What a life you have lived. Keep sharing with us all!!!

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  25. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  almost 15 years ago

    Good morninā€™ to allā€¦ā€¦.Marg, LS, Lonewolf, VistaBill, WW, and Shirtail Slim.

    Had to turn in early last night, so I missed the banter.

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  26. Missing large
    Oceanman  almost 15 years ago

    Relax,everyone Flipper will save her

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  27. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 15 years ago

    Good morning, all! WW, great as usual, and SS, Iā€™m enjoying your songs.


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  28. 1 5 2005 1
    shirttailslim  almost 15 years ago

    Lordy, lordy. lordy. I have so many stories. Some years, especially during my prospecting days on Shirttail Creek and the North Fork of the American River, I kept journals (when I remembered to write in them)..

    I first saw Shirttail in 1962, and knew Iā€™d found my olace in the world. There were times when I had to go work, and times I just had to ā€œsxratch my feetā€. I was a nomad at heart, but I always came back to Shirttail.

    I made my last trip in to Shirttail in 1980. Set up camp way up from the river. I was there from the day before Mt, St Helens erupted (it was almost a month before I left the creek to visit a friend who lived a two hour walk away, that I found out about it). It was in September of that year as I was climbing out of the canyon that I knew Iā€™d never go back. I also realized that the gold was just a good excuse for being there. Shirttail Creek days were the happiest days of my life. No tents or Coleman lanterns or Coleman stoves. A sheet of 6 mil plastic tied up for a shelter, and drift wood for fuel, a refridgerator shelf for a stove.

    Good morning all, and I shall try not to be too boring.

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  29. Ximage
    Jogger2  almost 15 years ago

    If this city is the location of Warbucks Worldwide, wouldnā€™t Warbucks maintain a home there? If he maintains a home there, why is Annieā€™s room in a hotel?

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  30. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  almost 15 years ago

    Good Afternoon, LS, Marg, MLady, VBill, LordD, WW, S Slim and everyone.

    I fell asleep early last night. I guess it all finally caught up with me. Today we had my sonā€™s confirmation. But I did make it.

    Iā€™ll put my late fees in the jar!

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  31. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Cometā„¢  almost 15 years ago

    Shirtail Slim said, ā€œGood morning all, and I shall try not to be too boring.ā€

    Youā€™re sure not boring me, Shirtail!

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  32. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Cometā„¢  almost 15 years ago

    ā™ Lonewolfā™  said, ā€œIā€™ll put my late fees in the jar!ā€

    Good afternoon, ā™ Lonewolfā™ !

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  33. 1 5 2005 1
    shirttailslim  almost 15 years ago

    Thank you VistaBill. Iā€™m glad that so many of you folks are enjoying my words. Iā€™m going to see if I can find some of my words tp pass along/

    Yes Found a bunch of stuff in a ragged old manila envelope. Poems. pearls of wisdom (I hope) and some straight talk on Life and the living of it.

    Brace yourselves for daily words, if Iā€™m here to post. Was in the hospital four times last year, the last one from Xā€™mas eve to New Years Eve, then to physical rehab for 12 days.

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  34. Rick
    davidf42  almost 6 years ago

    Morning, Anniephans!

    I remember Wonder Wort Hogā€™s great poetry!

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