Most likely it’s an impacted tooth; I know from experience that those require more surgery to remove than emerged teeth. And the area where it was removed (it was a wisdom tooth) for decades afterwards was more prone to soreness than the other three’s former areas.
nosirrom over 9 years ago
This reminded me of the time I need teeth extracted before getting braces.
therese_callahan2002 over 9 years ago
My stubborn wisdom tooth was removed by drilling. I was in pain for days.
Egrayjames over 9 years ago
Better than Dr. Kevorkian.
Plods with ...™ over 9 years ago
and to think the normal route of hammer and chisel didn’t work.
bookworm0812 over 9 years ago
Maybe the dental school should have tried this when I had a tooth pulled right after Memorial Day. It wasn’t a wisdom tooth, but it sure was stubborn!
english.ann over 9 years ago
Most likely it’s an impacted tooth; I know from experience that those require more surgery to remove than emerged teeth. And the area where it was removed (it was a wisdom tooth) for decades afterwards was more prone to soreness than the other three’s former areas.