Where I work you have to swipe a keyfob to get the entry door open. They recently implemented a “security measure” where those of us who need to drive forklifts have to swipe our fobs on a small panel on the steering column to get the vehicle to start. NO kidding!
And it can’t be any previous used password. It also cannot have following special charaters: . @ _ . And it must contain on upper, one lower case letter, and must contain at least one number. <———————————————— Web Developer….
Argythree over 9 years ago
Jonni over 9 years ago
But, HuH? Around my town birds like these guys sit on wires to do their business. Has the Wiz found a way to make it wireless now!?
Leeroy over 9 years ago
Where I work you have to swipe a keyfob to get the entry door open. They recently implemented a “security measure” where those of us who need to drive forklifts have to swipe our fobs on a small panel on the steering column to get the vehicle to start. NO kidding!
cb795 over 9 years ago
Leeroy… fob swiping on the job can get you fired or at least chastised at some companies.
JP Steve Premium Member over 9 years ago
But I thought toilet seats were always supposed to be down!
nobody_special Premium Member over 9 years ago
Guess now we know where Andy Griffith worked after leaving the Air Force!
nobody_special Premium Member over 9 years ago
To work there you have to be a high-tech whiz . . .
neverenoughgold over 9 years ago
In our home it is simply called a peeword…
nathanbtlr over 9 years ago
The Internet of THINGS!!!!!!!!!
mklange Premium Member over 9 years ago
route66paul over 9 years ago
Wires? Your birds got wires? Why, when we were just from the egg, we had to fly up into the wind and snow both ways….
Clarence Tate Premium Member about 9 years ago
And it can’t be any previous used password. It also cannot have following special charaters: . @ _ . And it must contain on upper, one lower case letter, and must contain at least one number. <———————————————— Web Developer….
AnotherFineMess almost 3 years ago
Hey, Google.