La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for June 05, 2010

  1. Exploding human fat bombs hedge 060110
    Charles Brobst Premium Member about 14 years ago

    I guess it was un-American to have that nasty revolution too. Arrest BP execs for criminal negligence. Liquidate the company to support Americans harmed by this attack. And lynch Rand Paul while you’re at it. He’s a bigot.

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  2. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Advocating murder of a political candidate, cabrobst? Perhaps you should be concerned that this strip may have readers at the FBI.

    Leftists have hated oil companies since the days of John D. Rockefeller. They just hate wealth, profit, capitalism, private property, and all things American. And since the best things American are actually human attributes, that covers the former British Petroleum.

    As for “wasting oil”, I don’t know of anyone who wastes it. We all USE it. Drive a car, fly to Chicago, turn on a light, heat your home, oil a squeaky hinge, use any of the hundreds of plastic objects in your life, … we are not WASTING oil, we are enjoying it.

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  3. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  about 14 years ago

    We want drugs—We get violence We want oil—We get spills We don’t want oil rigs marring our views—we get untested technology.

    I didn’t see either party refusing oil money.

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  4. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member about 14 years ago

    left is rotten and bad right is pure and good that makes everything simple to understand.

    typical view of the left from the right is , you don’t agree with me, then you must be un-american

    some people spend far too much time listening to beck/limbaugh/oreilly/hannity et al

    of course it’s true! I heard it on the television

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  5. Skipper
    3hourtour Premium Member about 14 years ago

    ..oooh this is a hoot…blaming American’s thirst for oil as the reason for BP’s Barney Fife oil drilling SNAFU’s…After 9/11 Bush could have(should have )asked the American people to conserve and Americans would have via WWII style loyality to their country…instead he said spend spend spend.Just go about your business.

    If I would build a house or a shed or a pond in my backyard haphazardly or cut down my tree into the electric lines could I should I blame my neighbor for living next to me or because he used electricity?

    Or blame my government for not stopping me?

    If,as bp is trying to spin this,this was all caused by a dead battery… cheap do you have to be not to replace a faulty battery..and what does that say about the miserly-ness of the whole operation?

    what’s the quotation…an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?

    This is just just ANOTHER example of an internation corporation having its needs put before the American peoples!

    No more corporate welfare!Why should the holy American tax payer have to be the sufferer of the ‘f*ck-ups’ of companies that aren’t even American companies!?!

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  6. Snowleopard
    GJ_Jehosaphat  about 14 years ago

    I watched a repeat on C-Span yesterday - it was rather long. I’m not aware of any video clip of the segment (which stood out in my mind) available for viewing at this time.

    There was a man identified as the Master in charge of the oil platform who said that training is done by simulators (video games using different situations). Sundays were for emergency training procedures (expected, not surprise) & they never actually lowered life rafts/boats into the water during training (described as too dangerous).

    I don’t think there was anyway to prepare for the “Shock & Awe” that happened on that Oil Platform. I watched an interview last night that was on CNN with men who were there & survived looked like they were still in shock with tears coming to their eyes as they described it.

    It was dark (power failure), alarms blaring, confusion, terrified - how do U prepare for that? I don’t blame the “Master In Charge” - he looked stressed out and had little memory of what happened when asked for details by the Inquiry Panel.

    When R we going to realize that there’s no such thing as “Safe Oil Drilling”.

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  7. 100 2451
    RonBerg13 Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Has Rand Paul actually said these things? Or, is this just propaganda?

    The old saying is that a lie goes around the world while the truth is still putting its pants on.

    The funny (weird) thing about this saying, though, is that I believe it was made by a Nazi during the early stages of WWII (1938 to 1940, some where in that period of time.)

    Joseph Goebbels, or some high up Nazi like him.

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  8. 104 2745
    Trebor39  about 14 years ago

    Maybe the Mayan prophesy is coming true.

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  9. Jack skellington
    dougdash  about 14 years ago

    Any student of Frank Herbert’s masterpiece Dune series understands the ‘why’ of our addiction to oil. There will be no easy road to alternative fuels, but it must be traveled on. I just hope that when our finest engineers discover the solution that they are not bought out by the monopolies, or killed off.

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  10. Missing large
    rotts  about 14 years ago

    I wonder if he was named after Ayn Rand?

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  11. F 22 raptor
    rainman5353  about 14 years ago

    From Wikipedia Randal Howard “Rand” Paul (born January 7, 1963) is an American ophthalmologist and politician who describes himself as a “constitutional conservative”.[3] He is the third child of Republican Congressman Ron Paul of Texas. Paul is the chairman and founder of Kentucky Taxpayers United.

    In August 2009, Paul officially announced his candidacy for the United States Senate seat currently held by retiring Senator Jim Bunning of Kentucky. Paul, a lifelong Republican, won the party’s primary election on May 18, 2010. He will face Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway in the general election on November 2, 2010

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  12. Text if you d like to meet him
    Yukoneric  about 14 years ago

    Time to break out the bicycles……………..

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  13. Snowleopard
    GJ_Jehosaphat  about 14 years ago
    What if Oil Drilling Process’ were linked to EarthQuakes?

    “…”A New York Times’ report confirmed oil drilling sets off earthquakes and showed how oil drilling projects near San Francisco, USA, and Switzerland were shut down amid concerns they triggered damaging earthquakes. In both instances, the drilling for oil involved the fracturing of hard rocks more than two miles deep.” (Blanchette) Glenroy Blanchette writes, “According to a scientific study reported in the French magazine Science et vie, around 200 earthquakes have been triggered by human activity. Of those 200, 10 were earthquakes above the magnitude of 5.0

    “Wired Science, corroborated these findings when it stated that human action can trigger much larger quakes along natural fault lines. The pressures exerted along fault lines can shift the pattern of stresses in the earth’s crust.”

    USA Today reported, “Saltwater pumped deep into the earth in a natural gas mining operation offers a ‘plausible,’ though not definitive, explanation for small earthquakes in Texas in 2008 and 2009, scientists say.’”

    ”We are only saying a link to the well is ‘plausible,’ not definitive,” says Brian Stump of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, senior author on a Leading Edge journal study. “Still, he notes, the quakes have ceased since the saltwater reinjection was stopped at the site after a third set of tremblors in June.” (USA Today - emphasis added)”

    Maritime Connector

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  14. 100 2451
    RonBerg13 Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Geeezzz… Dihydrogen Monoxide wouldn’t happen to be [H2O] by any chance, eh?

    Because, if it is, we are surely doomed.

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  15. Snowleopard
    GJ_Jehosaphat  about 14 years ago

    Hey harleyQ - What’s in your water bottle:

    ”Men: Is Your Water Turning You Into a “Girlie-Man”?

    This altered estrogen/testosterone ratio causes the onset of feminine features. Once muscular “pecs” (chest muscles) turn into soft, female-like “breasts buds.” A “spare tire” forms around the middle and the risk of prostate cancer goes sky-high. The high estrogen-to-testosterone ratio wreaks havoc with libido and sexual function and often results in a lack of energy. If all that isn’t bad enough, these sex hormone changes can cause feelings of hopelessness and depression. They can even elevate cardiac risk factors in men.

    You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide

    Estrogen mimickers can show up in drinking water from agricultural runoff (many pesticides and herbicides are estrogen look-alikes), but here’s the real kicker. Chlorine — the stuff used to purify all municipal water supplies — is highly toxic and forms estrogen-mimicking organochlorides when it binds with organic matter. This means that unless you are drinking tested pure well or spring water, you are likely consuming estrogen-like compounds in your drinking water. If you think buying bottled water is safer, I have bad news for you. Bottled water is no better than tap water, and may even be worse, on two counts: First, the FDA standards for bottled water are much lower than they are for municipally-delivered tap water. Much of what you buy as “purified drinking water” is nothing more than tap water that has been “purified.” More than 25 percent of bottled water is actually tap water from municipal water supplies, and another 30 percent of bottled water has chemical and bacterial contamination above the levels considered safe by state and industry regulations. Second, bottled water “lives” in plastic bottles. The bottles themselves can leach chemicals that are “estrogen mimickers.” Now do you see why bottled water isn’t a good “alternative choice”?”

    Health Beat News

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  16. Snowleopard
    GJ_Jehosaphat  about 14 years ago

    ☝Lame reply.

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  17. Snowleopard
    GJ_Jehosaphat  about 14 years ago

    ☝Lame again. Re: “Dihydrogen Monoxide” = H2O

    How well would U do on a program like “Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?” It’s one of my favorite TV programs.

    Dihydrogen Monoxide sounds like it’d be in the 3rd Grade Science Category. Try harder or maybe U should check to see what else is in your water supply (like lead or mercury).

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