The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for August 01, 2015
July 31, 2015
August 02, 2015
Gladys: We're having liver tonight!
Wilberforce: Eew! I hate the taste of liver!
Gladys: Liver and onions, that is.
Wilberforce: I hate onions, too. Why put them in?
Gladys: Because they mask the taste of the liver!
awgiedawgie Premium Member over 9 years ago
Had a friend who used to call that “leather and onions”. Personally, I grew up on liver and onions. I still love having it for dinner occasionally.
derdave969 over 9 years ago
L n O is like strawberry-rhubarb pie. If ya gotta add strawberries to it so you can choke it down you should just go with the strawberries.
TheNerdV2000 over 9 years ago
Somebody oughta wise Wilberforce’s mother up: Beef liver has too much cholersterol!
What? Me worried ? over 9 years ago
Ketchup and hot sauce -lots and lots of ketchup !
drdougsteward over 9 years ago
If it’s leather and onions, fire the cook … liver is tender if cooked right.
Bandusia15 over 9 years ago
Maybe it’s my ethnicity but I too loved L&O and still eat it on occasion. Only when I got out. I don’t make it at home
Tarredandfeathered over 9 years ago
It sometimes depends on whether you use Beef or Pork liver.The flavors are different and different people like one and hate the other..
Jim Kerner over 9 years ago