Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for June 02, 2010
Alice: I hear that somebody wrote a bad word in one of the tube slides. Dill: My brothers told me that every bad word in the world is written somewhere in that jungle gym. And if you complete the 300-mile circuit of all the tube slides, you'll emerge as a full-grown adult. Alice: Are your brothers behind the workings of the entire universe? Dill: Better my brothers than your brother.
margueritem over 14 years ago
LOL!!! Good one, Dill!
leakysqueaky712 over 14 years ago
Dill is definitely correct on that one!!!
itraso over 14 years ago
He’s got you there Alice…..
SCOTTtheBADGER over 14 years ago
A world run by El Pedro? Now that IS a scary thought! Of course, La Viola would be th epower behind the throne.
Ushindi over 14 years ago
The tube slide, Richard - is it still too cold for the snow melt in the upper peaks of the slide? I really don’t want to miss it - I take a week’s vacation every year to enjoy the annual Blisshaven Academy tube slide snow melt cataract. One can’t help but be awed by nature’s power - so majestic…
Yukoneric over 14 years ago
How do you explain all the odors in those tubes?
cdward over 14 years ago
One of these days I want to see Dill’s brothers! I’ve never seen them.
coratelli over 14 years ago
mrsullenbeauty over 14 years ago
The Dilluminati.
N.D.Pendent over 14 years ago
Jo Jo- EXCELLENT comment, I almost had an accid- uh oh…I’ll be back
uh-ohkid over 14 years ago
Great - just great.
I would have posted earlier, but I had a painful acid burn from snorting OJ out of my nose laughing at this strip again.
pibfan868 over 14 years ago
HAHAHAHA–Dill can bring the zing!
slowflyer over 14 years ago
Dill’s bros or Petey running the world? There is a political science dissertation in there somewhere.
Dirty Dragon over 14 years ago
That’s an urban myth, Dill. If you complete the 300-mile circuit of all the tube slides, you’ll emerge in Cleveland.
bald over 14 years ago
i often wondered why my kids looked older when they got off the tube slide, now i know
WyattMute over 14 years ago
Petey running the universe would be something akin to Octavian Caesar ruling Rome in the HBO series….Somewhat terrifying, yet oddly appropriate.
fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago
Petey is the embodiment of Perfect Order - i.e. stasis, uniformity. Dill’s brothers are Pure Chaos - i.e. change, variability. (It makes sense somehow that Petey therefore be singular while the Wedekind boys be plural.)
The Universe as we know it exists because of the interplay between these two fundamental principles. Like Apollo and Dionysus, each is the necessary opposite of the other, and the Fabric of Being is composed of the warp of one and the woof of the other.
fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago
(By the way, Wyatt, as Emperor, Petey would no doubt like Augustus be a devotee of Terminus, god of Boundaries and Limits, to whose authority even Jupiter must yield.)
majorhiccup over 14 years ago
Touche, Dill!