PreTeena by Allison Barrows for April 08, 2021

  1. Av22 claydoh 500
    droosan Premium Member over 3 years ago

    This is my favorite strip in this sequence .. partially because my reaction at first was like Teena’s: it’s surprising to see Jeri not only take an interest in a career, but to also see her actually put in some effort and demonstrate an ability to do the job — if she really wanted to.

    But that final panel is worth the laugh. XD

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  2. Missing large
    Robert Nowall Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Bet that tastes terrible.

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  3. Beaker
    JDP_Huntington Beach  over 3 years ago

    Dirty Laundry, by Don Henley.

    We got the bubble-headed Beach Blonde who comes on at FiveShe can tell you about the Plane Crash, with a gleam in her eye…

    And the Blonde Hair newscaster and Jeri have identical performance stats

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  4. Mr. connolly
    gcarlson  over 3 years ago

    Once heard of a 2-seater Cessna that crashed into a Texas cemetery. At the time I heard the announcement, 30 bodies had been recovered. The pilot and copilot were helping with the search.

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