PreTeena by Allison Barrows for June 19, 2021

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    stairsteppublishing  almost 4 years ago

    That’s one small step for Teena……

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    1JennyJenkins  almost 4 years ago

    But seriously: according to our pharmacist, that medication is the worst for the system. The thing that works the best is a teaspoon of plain old bran (that costs pennies from a bulk food store) sprinkled on a quarter of a slice of your toast and covered with prune jam.

    My mother was getting free medication, when she was living with us, and he said: “why are you feeding her this junk?” and it was just because the doctor prescribed it and I thought it was all for the best…

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  3. Elusive dream girl
    Jonathan K. and the Elusive Dream Girl  almost 4 years ago

    Many peace offerings are appease offerings. The problem with appeasing is the results are often only temporary. You can never satisfy some people.

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    Maddie Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    So that’s the lady’s problem. She’s krankypated

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    no12mo  almost 4 years ago

    Good for Teena. Usually an old bitter person hard bumps in life some of which were their own doing. Bitterness kills one’s otherwise unique personality. All the world can see is the bitterness

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    asrialfeeple  almost 4 years ago

    I think she needs Ex-lax. For the smooth moves.

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