Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for September 21, 2015
September 20, 2015
September 22, 2015
Mom: "Wake up! It's time to get ready for school"
Mom: "Just checking. I'm glad you're up and dressed"
Calvin: "That should throw her off the trail for a while"
Regarding the conversation a few days ago about Calvin’s bedtime: Even as a middle-aged adult, it does seem easier to wake up earlier for an occasional special event on a weekend if you’re excited about it, as opposed to the average work or school day.
There were some news articles recently about a British neuroscientist claiming that school for kids and college students should start later in the morning. It wouldn’t make much difference to me, although if it helped to avoid changing the clocks twice a year I would definitely back it. I don’t understand moving the clocks back an hour in November so that it’s dark by 5 pm (and yes, I know that depends on where you live). One year back in the mid 1970s the USA stayed on DST throughout the winter (maybe because of the “energy crisis”?) without ‘falling back’ an hour. I seem to recall the major complaint against making it permanent was that some kids were having to leave for school in the morning when it was still dark, so that problem could be simply addressed with a later start time for schools.
My son has done that everyday since kindergarten and still continues into college. Of course that never works because us moms will always come back in to check on their progress. Bwhahaha.
Unless I am mistaken, and I know if I am wrong it will be uncovered here, Daylight Savings Time was first implemented to give folks more daylight in the evening after work, and was originally only for Summer months; i.e., the non-school period. It was switched off because some parents didn’t like sending their kids off to school when it was so dark in the morning.
Daylight Savings Time was started in WWII. People objected to being told that they had to get to work an hour earlier in the summer. So the Government told them to move the clock ahead one hour instead.
Or as a Native American expression goes: only a politician could believe that if you cut a foot off one end of a blanket and sew it onto the other; you’d get a longer blanket.
Calvin: hard to get to bed, hard to wake up.Hard to get into the tub, hard to get him out.Hard to get him away from the TV and outside, hard to get him back inside.
BE THIS GUY over 9 years ago
You have to look at the eyes, Mom, not the clothes.
Kind&Kinder over 9 years ago
Well, now Calvin is into dodge-ball. Mom will win, but the game goes on.
phylum over 9 years ago
will calvin realize that thanks to calvin ball his homework is completed…
rentier over 9 years ago
So tired any more?
Sham_Poser over 9 years ago
Regarding the conversation a few days ago about Calvin’s bedtime: Even as a middle-aged adult, it does seem easier to wake up earlier for an occasional special event on a weekend if you’re excited about it, as opposed to the average work or school day.
There were some news articles recently about a British neuroscientist claiming that school for kids and college students should start later in the morning. It wouldn’t make much difference to me, although if it helped to avoid changing the clocks twice a year I would definitely back it. I don’t understand moving the clocks back an hour in November so that it’s dark by 5 pm (and yes, I know that depends on where you live). One year back in the mid 1970s the USA stayed on DST throughout the winter (maybe because of the “energy crisis”?) without ‘falling back’ an hour. I seem to recall the major complaint against making it permanent was that some kids were having to leave for school in the morning when it was still dark, so that problem could be simply addressed with a later start time for schools.
Dixie Lee over 9 years ago
My son has done that everyday since kindergarten and still continues into college. Of course that never works because us moms will always come back in to check on their progress. Bwhahaha.
What? Me worried ? over 9 years ago
I use to need two alarm clocks ( one across the room ) to get up for school/work ! But I never over slept for a fishing trip ! hahahaha
cubswin2016 over 9 years ago
This won’t turn out well.
johndifool over 9 years ago
johndifool over 9 years ago
So where did you go?Where do you go in the big sleep?Going out to the deep sleepIs where you’re wandering now
jim_pem over 9 years ago
My kids – same.
At least they are ready. All you have to do is get them up when it’s ready to go and load them in the car.
neverenoughgold over 9 years ago
Unless I am mistaken, and I know if I am wrong it will be uncovered here, Daylight Savings Time was first implemented to give folks more daylight in the evening after work, and was originally only for Summer months; i.e., the non-school period. It was switched off because some parents didn’t like sending their kids off to school when it was so dark in the morning.
neverenoughgold over 9 years ago
Back to today’s strip; Calvin has Mom well trained…
dflak over 9 years ago
Daylight Savings Time was started in WWII. People objected to being told that they had to get to work an hour earlier in the summer. So the Government told them to move the clock ahead one hour instead.
Or as a Native American expression goes: only a politician could believe that if you cut a foot off one end of a blanket and sew it onto the other; you’d get a longer blanket.
Number Three over 9 years ago
I have to get up early for my Work Placement tomorrow. So I know how Calvin feels!
Karaboo2 over 9 years ago
Good thinking Calvin. Maybe by Friday Mom will catch on.
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly over 9 years ago
When all else has failed, confuse them.
Godfather Vito over 9 years ago
If I didn’t get up for mom then she would send in dad and believe me I didn’t want that
Susie Derkins :D over 9 years ago
Mondays. Everyone hates them.
neverenoughgold over 9 years ago
Anyone want some Time from Pink Floyd?
spaced man spliff over 9 years ago
says neverenoughgold about 3 hours ago
Anyone want some Time from Pink Floyd?--Or some TIME from the Chambers Brothers?
bmonk over 9 years ago
Calvin: hard to get to bed, hard to wake up.Hard to get into the tub, hard to get him out.Hard to get him away from the TV and outside, hard to get him back inside.
RandomLantern445 over 4 years ago
Good idea, Calvin.