Brevity by Dan Thompson for August 31, 2015

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    Baarorso  over 9 years ago

    Damn you Thompson! I want a chuckle out of my comics, not a lecture on how those “Keurig cups” are bad for the environment.

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    Varnes  over 9 years ago

    And much more expensive, too…..

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    waknoch  over 9 years ago

    Somebody’s got to say it for people who can’t figure it out themselves.

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    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Bartholomew ….It IS funny, in an ironic way…especially to those who can laugh at modern foibles and idiocies…

    It only feels like a “lecture” to someone using those cups who already has a nagging feeling.

    A lot of supposedly “environmental” and “ecological” stuff is funny, too…

    “Environmentally friendly” detergent in small plastic bottles… And other plastic bottles “recycled” into ugly sweaters and gifts that cost a fortune and can no longer be recycled due to dyes and trimming.Expensive “compostable plastic” plates that none of the local garbage companies can compost, so they go in the landfill and take longer than paper to break down.

    Not to mention “Bamboo” plates that are supposed to be reusable but fill up the trash can after a party….we know that’s wasteful…but how would the water to wash them in the California drought compare to throwing away a thin paper plate?

    I know some people who call my tiny, 17 year old Saturn a “gas guzzler” and buy a brand new hybrid car every couple of years…and they drive 40,00 miles a year compared to my 3,000.

    Another won’t use a plastic sandwich bag but flies to South America for vacations…

    Everybody tells you the “answers” but nobody can know the whole story… so at some point you just have to muddle through …and laugh.Laugh at whatever you can.

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    clayusmcret Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Worse than costing considerably more than a standard pot of coffee, this one cup tastes like burnt mud. Stick with coffee that is cheaper AND tastes better.

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    cdward  over 9 years ago

    Ironically, I have one of those machines. The way I ended up with it was that my old faithful gave up the ghost, and this came on mega sale so that it was not more expensive. I only use the reusable cup because I hate this plastic throw-aways. They are an environmental disaster. The reusable makes decent cup.

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    whiteheron  over 9 years ago

    And besides, who only drinks one cup of coffee? I may not always drink coffee, but when I do I drink dos tazas. For, I am, the most interesting man in the world.

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    David OBrien  over 9 years ago

    “Situation hopeless, but not serious.” Title of post WWII movie with, I believe, a young Alec Guinness.

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    sacldczoo  over 9 years ago

    I remember reading somewhere that the guy who came up with the idea regrets it now.

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    PoodleGroomer  over 9 years ago

    K-cups have been around so long that the patent has expired. K-2 was developed so unlicensed cups wouldn’t work in new brewers. Thanks to hard water, there are no old coffee brewers unless you use demineralized water.

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    Ubintold  over 9 years ago

    Keurig is for the lazy amateur coffe drinkers.

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    KEA  over 9 years ago


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    Perkycat  over 9 years ago

    This is humorous as are so many things human beings do. You think you are saving the environment one way only to destroy it another. No one mentioned disposable diapers.

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    Kevin Jordan  over 9 years ago

    They did release a recyclable version of the cup this year, but some recycling plants don’t take them as the cups are small and fall through their sorting grates.

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    Arianne  over 9 years ago

    So, according to some, it’s not O.K. to K.O. the K cup?

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    Linda Pearson  over 9 years ago

    Do you want to live on top of a landfill of this stuff?

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    Jeff0811  over 9 years ago

    My family gave me one of the newer coffee makers for our anniversary. I found the extra price for packaging, and the extra packaging for single servings, difficult to swallow (if you pardon the expression). I recycled a couple of the plastic cups, and when I use it, I put a couple of scoops in a regular coffee filter, make a pouch out of it, and then load that into the coffee maker. Been doing that for almost 2 years now, works fine. My regular coffee maker is downstairs, the Keurig is upstairs in our bedroom. I use it for early in the morning when I don’t want to wake up the family.

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    celeconecca  over 9 years ago

    I won’t get one just because of the waste. I have a regular old coffeemaker. I brew 12 cups at a time, pour myself a cup and keep the rest in the fridge until I want a cup. May not be “fresh-brewed” every morning, but tastes pretty good to me.

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    KatD Premium Member over 9 years ago

    We have one, but don’t buy the cups. Instead we bought the reusable ones that you put your own coffee in. Plus we also use it for heating water for tea & hot chocolate.

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