Well the dragon looks friendly to me, he’s probably just playing ;-)
That’s a friendly dragon, I’m sure. Relax, Broomie; it just wants to play—and you’re the toy!
You might want to show him how you can zap things. Like dragons.
Dragons are kewl. Could’ve been a maintenance engineer.
tirnaaisling over 9 years ago
Well the dragon looks friendly to me, he’s probably just playing ;-)
Sisyphos over 9 years ago
That’s a friendly dragon, I’m sure. Relax, Broomie; it just wants to play—and you’re the toy!
cdward over 9 years ago
You might want to show him how you can zap things. Like dragons.
Plods with ...â„¢ over 9 years ago
Dragons are kewl. Could’ve been a maintenance engineer.