Matt Davies for August 30, 2015

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 9 years ago

    And North Africa, not just “Middle East”, lots of Syrians though.

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  2. Missing large
    g.iangoodson  almost 9 years ago

    We don’t have enough room. How about those wide open American spaces? Thought not!

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 9 years ago

    Hmm, the great “American dream” is home ownership, touted by Bush as well, but now that his administration’s policies distorted the dream, it’s now according to “righties” the dream isn’t attainable?

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  4. Computerhead
    Spyderred  almost 9 years ago

    The western countries have exported so many jobs to Asia that they can’t provide jobs for the native born, much less hundreds of thousands of people with health, language and skill issues. The villains here are the Muslims who eagerly slaughter their own people for reasons of greed and power. No doubt they enjoy the spectacle of flooding the west with unwanted refugees.

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    oneoldhat  almost 9 years ago

    dear dtroutma the community reinvestment act was passed by carter [ sorry to bother you with facts]

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    mschleim  almost 9 years ago

    Hiram, great strawman argument. Have you stopped beating your wife?

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  7. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  almost 9 years ago

    Poor you, the descendant of the British empire, where the sun never set etc. etc etc facing these “illegals”.

    I lived in the UK for 16 years, from Stamford – Lincolnshire; Swindon – Wiltshire; Reading – Berkshire; Upper Clapton – London, Slough, Maidenhead & Burnham – Berkshire…

    Yes, it’s bollocks. You need immigrants to continue supporting the NHS. Without them it would collapse.The initial hit on local services like schools over time is compensated by their contribution to British society.If you let them.

    It’s somewhat troubling knowing you’re a teacher with these views.In Vienna: The sign reads: ‘Refugees welcome."

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  8. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  almost 9 years ago

    Thanks martens! Just tonight we were discussing this very same subject with one of my wife’s schoolfriends. She’s also disgusted with the contrarian, uncaring attitudes of the far-right in Austria.

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  9. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  almost 9 years ago

    Your language again tells me reams of what you think:

    "you came across like a Yank. "Calling someone a Brit isn’t usually a pejorative, but calling someone a “yank”, well, hmm, one must take into context and nuance. Was it snide? I remain unsure. Perhaps it is allied banter! But no, I am not an American but I wouldn’t be offended to be identified as one, just surprised.

    “Jimmy Saville – never claimed to be a Christian, just a Roman Catholic.”

    Ahh… No true ScotsChristians. It seems your religion is quite important to you. I can see why the possible antagonism against Islam: you’re not fond of Catholics either. Not unlike the Sunni vs. Shia. Hmm, I’m again not so sure about that ‘allied banter’ earlier on.

    “Megachurches – in the UK?”Indeed there are. Ohoh, have I just alerted you to a new group to view with mistrust?"Rolf Harris – unjustly imprisoned “I see, you support a convicted molester:”Are you seriously suggesting that our MPs are mostly Christian?"

    Most certainly claim they are. What, no true Scotsmen in the British parliament?

    "All scammers are wrong. Why import more? “You sound like Donald Trump. Are all migrants scammers?”Are you seriously suggesting that the UK has to take everybody?“Not at all, but certainly taking a fair share of refugees according to GDP and population size would certainly help.” watch for the smartphones etc. “

    You’d be surprised at how cheap 2nd hand smart-phones can be. I was up in the Andes and saw a Llama herder walk past me with a smart-phone attempting to find signal. On Lake Titicaca the residents on floating islands charged theirs on solar-panels donated by Japan in the ‘90s and yeah, they had cell coverage. In Botswana in a remote village, I saw smart-phones that kept the elders up to date on market prices in Gaberone, again solar-panels charged theirs. Mobiles/cell-phones are revolutionising comms in undeveloped nations. Witness how protests use social media, on smart-phones. They’re cheap. At the expense of the C.A.R. & D.R.C. one might argue.

    ”I did report the corruption. I also protested at the time. A muslim instructing his wife tow to vote in a secret ballot."

    I note you note he was a Muslim. :-| But I’m pleased you reported the malfeasance!

    Oh, but it was allowed?

    “If you are disabled, you can ask for help and the Presiding Officer can mark the ballot paper for you. You can also ask someone else to help you (e.g. a support worker, as long as they are either a relative or an eligible elector and have not already helped more than one other person vote).”

    “The point is that most of these “refugees” are economic migrants”Not quite:‘Where do they come from?’The largest migrant group by nationality in 2015 is Syrians, as people flee the country’s brutal civil war.Afghans and Eritreans come next. They are often also fleeing poverty and human rights abuses.People from Nigeria and Kosovo also make up large groups. Poor, marginalised Roma account for many of the migrants from Kosovo"I see from your comments, as regards Roman Catholics, the ‘suspect’ Christianity of MPs and the way you bring up Islam, religion appears to be your bugbear.

    Me too. Well, not religion in itself, just love religious fundamentalists. :-|

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  10. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  almost 9 years ago

    Interesting, Iangoodson has been good enough to delete his comments. Meh.

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