Rob Rogers for September 04, 2015

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    ConserveGov  almost 9 years ago

    So Trump would improve things.

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    piobaire  almost 9 years ago

    “Déjà vu1933: Make Germany great again2015: Make America great again”

    And as part of the plan to take power they identify a group or groups as “takers”, dangerous people, different from us, who need to be expelled.

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    lonecat  almost 9 years ago

    Great article, thanks for the link.

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    There is a big difference between a woman voluntarily walking into PP & Trump’s call for rounding up “the Mexicans”.The Nazis started out by suggesting that Jews simply be expelled, not exterminated. Trump is certainly popular with the white extremists.

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    canFunny  almost 9 years ago

    The posts I’m seeing tell me that you lot are totally clueless. Trump thrives in controversy and loves to be the center of attention, every time you all talk, draw or even think about him, you are doing his bidding. As the saying goes “Any publicity is good publicity” He got you right where he needs you to be, giving him attention. It’s just a matter of time until the American mentality takes over (subceptible to publicity) and he gets elected, you are doing a great job, thanks for nothing.

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    Tarredandfeathered  almost 9 years ago

    2015: Make America great again.Except that, under his breath, he keeps saying: “Make America great WHITE again.” .

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    echoraven  almost 9 years ago

    …then he could commit a rape, sexually harass a few women, seduce an intern and the left should then LOVE him!

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