This Kentucky woman demonstrates the danger of the Religious Right for America’s future. Their religious beliefs override the Constitution, the rule of law, and individual rights. Yet this woman claims protection of the Constitution! For her beliefs, sure, but not to ignore Supreme Court rulings. Keep her in jail until God explains it to her.
Of course, “separation of church and state” is both meant to keep the state out of the church and not the other way around, and is not in the Constitution. Freedom of religion is intended to allow free expression of religion and is part of the Constitution.
BE THIS GUY over 9 years ago
It’s Labour Day, give her the day off.Although, I don’t know what labor she has done since she gave birth to her last child.
ursamaj over 9 years ago
Maybe she moved to Kentucky. The Royal family is fond of horse racing, you know.
R.U. Kidding over 9 years ago
How about, “I’m your mother and I said so!”
ChukLitl Premium Member over 9 years ago
How many Amish are employed by the DMV.Religious discrimination!
Linguist over 9 years ago
I’d rather be in a cell than be in this comic ! Wait ! This is a cell ?
NWdryad over 9 years ago
Over the years, I increasingly wonder what happened to “separation of church and state”.
pschearer Premium Member over 9 years ago
This Kentucky woman demonstrates the danger of the Religious Right for America’s future. Their religious beliefs override the Constitution, the rule of law, and individual rights. Yet this woman claims protection of the Constitution! For her beliefs, sure, but not to ignore Supreme Court rulings. Keep her in jail until God explains it to her.
dsom8 over 9 years ago
Of course, “separation of church and state” is both meant to keep the state out of the church and not the other way around, and is not in the Constitution. Freedom of religion is intended to allow free expression of religion and is part of the Constitution.
Sherlock Watson over 9 years ago
Leave her alone, Eddie — we don’t want to see her strip.