Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for September 24, 2015
GOD- MAN the superhero with omnipotent powers in Imposter disaster! At his god-hideout god-man settles in with his morning paper... ...and is startled by the confusing headline! What goes on here?! Natural selection... Four billion years.... Theres the imposter! He does sort of look like me, with that beard... But its Doc Darwin! Thats right, God- man! and my army of brain washed kids will crush you! Yes, my minions! attack! wha? But, using his uncanny God breath, God- man blows doc darwin out of control range of the deluded tykes! Inherit this wind, fiend! Spell- wearing off... That wasn't god man it was just a man! with a theory! Kids thinking about theories is noway to get an operation! Next - The persistent menace of Captian Galileo!
gammaguy over 9 years ago
But God-Man, if you didn’t want them to think, why did you give them brains?.Oh, right! You weren’t thinking. Trying to set a good example, no?
Kip W over 9 years ago
Don’t leave the cave! The abundant food and water outside is a test! He’s testing us! Remember, don’t leave the cave!
Linguist over 9 years ago
You’ll never grow up to be a good ditto-head if you start thinking on your own !
rnmontgomery52 over 9 years ago
Evolution is a model, as is creation. Elevating either to a theory is technically not good science. Models CAN be thought about. Evolution, by many, is a scientific fact [as is creation] I believe the emphasis of this “toon” is that it takes brain washing to accept either as a scientific fact.
Malcolm Hall over 9 years ago
Evolution is a fact. It happened and continues to happen. Natural selection is a theory about how evolution works. This theory can be tested in many ways — in petri dishes or in geological strata. Creation is just a story. It is neither a model nor is a sensible subject for scientific inquiry. However, the idea that Creation is a serious topic is laughable — the point of this cartoon.
lunchmas over 9 years ago
I wandered in the darkness of ignorance until a commenter with great learning and digits after his username condescended to bestow a fragment of his limitless wisdom upon an obscure and lowly comments page. You can search high and low and never find one of these rare volunteer mentors — surely they are otherwise unknown on the internet! But fortune smiled upon me and brought me to this font of truth. I trust gocomics awards degrees to readers who have the diligence to make it to the bottom of the comments page. The only thing I don’t understand is what it the comic for?
BadVlad over 9 years ago
I think that Bolling plagiarized this idea from a Chick Tract.
davids.comments over 9 years ago
If it isn’t my religion, it isn’t religion. It’s just heresy or false idols. So logically, when religion is protected by the Constitution, it must be my religion.
bama1fan92 over 9 years ago
God is real, you are a myth.
markjoseph125 over 9 years ago
Using the Google, one can find hundreds of creation myths, each of them as equally without evidence as the ones in Genesis.