Frank and Ernest by Thaves for October 25, 2015
Adult Size Halloween Costumes Frank: Ernie, these costumes you're selling are shoddy and some are even dangerous! The "Fireman" costume is literal, and it's flammable! Frank: The tail on the bumblebee costume is toxic! People bumping into it will suffer a painful, burning sensation! Ernest: That's why my ad says "you'll be mistaken for a real giant bee"! Frank: The stitching on this one will completely fall apart in a few hours! Ernest: It's says "feel like Cinderella, but be home before midnight!" Frank: And this is labeled as a zombie costume, but it won't make anybody look like a walking dead person! Ernest: I know, that's why my ad says "you'll be the LIFE of the party!".
TREEINTHEWIND over 9 years ago
Where’s the giant pumpkin costume for Frank……………. he would fit right in……………
e.groves over 9 years ago
I’m going to be the “Invisible Man” and not answer the door.
P51Strega over 9 years ago
And the zipper on the “Flash” costume won’t stay closed.
Darryl Heine over 9 years ago
Would be great if the what looks like to be a ZOMBIE COSTUME mask was like Alfred E. Neuman (the MAD Magazine mascot).
gjsjr41 over 9 years ago
I’m going to the party dressed as a nudist.
linsonl over 9 years ago
I have always wanted to naked and on roller skates….as a pull toy.
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly over 9 years ago
That sure is a stinging review!