Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for October 13, 2015
Beginning in Oklahoma and ending in Michigan, a single thunderstorm traveled 790 miles across six states on March 12, 2006. The Remote Encoding Center in Salt Lake city, Utah, decodes for penmanship and translates illegible mail for delivery. Suffering a fractured leg, a Chilean flamingo at Brazil's Sorscaba Zoo received the world's first flamingo prosthetic limb!
JohnoTeacher over 9 years ago
Curious – is a storm travelling 760 miles unusual?
Tossle Premium Member over 9 years ago
Well if that storm was in Australia it would have traveled all the way across of Victoria or Tasmania, about 1/4 way across of Western Australia, and 1/2 way for remaining states.
Templo S.U.D. over 9 years ago
The flamingo is reminding me of the story of the dolphin with a prosthetic tail.
Jogger2 over 9 years ago
That is a single storm, not a front, a group, a line of storms, nor a complex. A radar track can be found on Youtube . It did occur with other storms, which came and went. It and some of the other storms produced tornadoes.
SharkNose over 9 years ago
The June 29, 2012 derecho traveled ~750 miles from Davenport, Iowa to Richmond, Virginia in 14 hours. See . Not sure if a derecho is a single storm though…
therese_callahan2002 over 9 years ago
Guess I’ll send all my handwritten letters there.
goweeder over 9 years ago
A remote encoding system is desperately needed in all pharmacies — to read the horrific scribbles on most doctors’ prescriptions. I’m serious. At one time in my life I was employed as a ward clerk in a hospital. In order to do that job, I was required to take a special course in reading (or I should say deciphering) the doctors’ handwriting. I kid you not. I’ve always wondered how many lives have been lost due to incorrect deciphering of a patients’ prescriptions. In my opinion, it’s criminal.
It feels good to get that off my chest.
goweeder over 9 years ago
Weather moves? Whooda’ thunk!
themom1951 over 9 years ago
My post office should use remote encoding for the perfectly addressed, printed mail it sends back with a “?” on it. Recent example: Bills from my ophthalmologist were returned for 6 months even though the name and address were spelled correctly and completely visible through the window in the envelope. Resulted in 4 late charges added to my balance due. All my junk mail was delivered, even some addressed to a previous owner. I’ve lived here over 5 years.
charliefarmrhere over 9 years ago
Spelled correctly , but was the address correct? Opthalmologist= Eye doctor? Are you sure you were writing correctly if you had bad eyesight?