Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for October 19, 2015
Lacey: Well? Consuela: I'm dreadfully sorry, dear. Your Mr. Royce didn't have an I.D., so he was detained. Lacey: You mean arrested? For what? For being an undocumented black man? Consuela: Ordinarily, dear, it's a good system. In fact, our employees all love it. It gives them a sense of security, of belonging. The cards make them feel like members of our big Palm Beach family! Lacey: Are they? Consuela: Don't be silly, dear. It's just something they can show their friends.
BE THIS GUY over 9 years ago
Hey, lady, they spit in your soup.So, you now share the same DNA.Welcome to the family!
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 9 years ago
A 1%’ers view of noblesse oblige.
WaitingMan over 9 years ago
In the 21st Century, they can show their friends their bullet holes.
Thomas Scott Roberts creator over 9 years ago
Ouch. The woman in lavender sums up so much of what remains broken in our land. Racism is bad enough. Rationalized racism is the most insidious.
pksampso over 9 years ago
Frankly, I wish the world had changed since 1985. The satire here is on the money as much today as it was then.
summerdog86 over 9 years ago
I really, really hate it when someone calls me “Dear”. It sounds so….so…. talked down to.
StCleve72 over 9 years ago
Question; is racism a form of mental illness?
Malcolm Hall over 9 years ago
I surprised the police didn’t simply shoot Willy. Although 1985 was a gentler time.
Sue G over 9 years ago
Lavender lady’s name is Consuela (10/16). Not exactly waspish.
route66paul over 9 years ago
How many of you think it was that much better to live in a factory town and not be able to leave, because the only way out was by train and that cost money or else you couldn’t leave because you owed the company store for food or medical goods for the family.
kaffekup over 9 years ago
And some are still struggling to take that small amount away.
Tarredandfeathered over 9 years ago
The "After Hours thing goes all the way back to Slavery.A Slave could be detained and Flogged for being in the Wrong Place/Wrong Time without a note from “Massa”..