Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for October 05, 2015
Lupin: The People dressed Elvis up like a lamp. Elvis: WHAT Lupin: LIGHTEN UP, ELVIS! POUND POUND POUND Puck: Sources say Elvis has been over grooming. Puck: Get it? ... "Lighten" up? Elvis: So I like to be clean.... Elvis: Is that a crime? SWISH SWISH SWISH Lupin: Elvis, do you worry about looking ridiculous? Lupin: Oh! Pardon me, sir! Lupin: I thought you were someone else! Lupin: ELVIS! ELVIS!! STOP! IT TICKLES -- Puck: Is this over grooming?
WoodEye about 9 years ago
Once again, HILARIOUS!
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 9 years ago
I’m laughing here! Elvis and his over-groomed BushyTail!
prairiedogdance Premium Member about 9 years ago
Love this! And a good chance to mention there are new lampshades out that are soft and flexible. They still provide a barrier so pets can’t worry at the injury, but they can sleep more comfortably, move around furniture without bonking themselves, and most importantly, they can be folded back at mealtimes so your pet isn’t being stressed right when they need to build up their strength.
stlmaddog5 about 9 years ago
I love Lupin and his pun, ‘Lighten up’. What a great smile.
T_Lexi about 9 years ago
And Puck’s wearing an Elvis wig – too good! Love it : D
Fido (aka Felix Rex) about 9 years ago
Ahh yes, the old lamp shade routine. Marvelous, simply marvelous. Puck in the Elvis wig — now that, to the very core, is pure, unadulterated GENIUS!Another Monday off to a smiley start.
Perkycat about 9 years ago
This is so funny. Love these cats!
SallyLin about 9 years ago
ROFL at Elvis and Lupin rolling on the couch! And Puck grooming himself into Elvis is priceless!
poppet bear about 9 years ago
Oh my, laughing so hard right now :) Love Lupin’s puns and Puck’s hair do. My Mozart once licked his belly and inner legs completely bald – allergies, a constant battle with him – but we managed to stop it without the ‘cone of shame’.
NWdryad about 9 years ago
Sadly, overgrooming is often a symptom of stress or depression.
Kathy Freeman about 9 years ago
The Cone Of Shame
chermich about 9 years ago
My Burmese turned out to have a sensitivity to fish that manifested as itchy skin. It took months and a detective-vet to figure it out, but once we removed all food that contained fish from her diet, the itching stopped. Apparently the histamines naturally found in fish can cause a hives-type reaction in sensitive cats.
rikkiTikki Premium Member about 9 years ago
Love Lupin’s delight in his own joke-he is so cute.
tammyspeakslife Premium Member about 9 years ago
I love this strip. :D
Vet Premium Member about 9 years ago
Cone head. HA!
Rosemary Barger about 9 years ago
My Sophie was in the “cone of shame” and it was torture for both of us. I found out about the Suitical ( and got her one. It changed both of our lives! She didn’t really enjoy it at first, but eventually she just resigned herself to it, but it was SO much easier than dealing with the cone. The only real fuss being when we had to put it on or take it off – she didn’t like it going over her head.
Shikamoo Premium Member about 9 years ago
My Mua would lick his fore legs clean of fur for the first couple of years I got him. It was hard to watch.
Shikamoo Premium Member about 9 years ago
But this is just priceless! Laughing at it still. You have drawn this one to perfection!
Rista about 9 years ago
Oh how cute! I laughed so hard at this one. Although, if Elvis is part or all Siamese those hind leg kicks are nothing to laugh at! Our tomcat when I was a kid was Siamese, someone had him de-clawed before dad brought him home. (this was 40+ yrs ago) but Tim still ruled our country neighborhood with those powerful back claws. He’d jump in the air and kick like a kangaroo and nothing, including the neighbors dogs, would go near him.
HerokidPlayz almost 7 years ago
when elvis gets really mad, how big would he puff up to?
1heartbooks about 6 years ago
me too
bleeps pwease over 4 years ago
elvis is so my cat
rgcviper about 4 years ago
Poor Elvis. This one is fun, though … sorry, buddy. Made me laugh.
kwblazek-16 about 3 years ago