Pat Oliphant for June 28, 2010

  1. Missing large
    SmokyStover  about 14 years ago

    Another bad decision by the Supreme Court. So what else is new?

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  2. Dsc02351
    mangoman99  about 14 years ago

    Lots of money in firearms and ammunition. Lets see—money, politics, law…BANG!

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  3. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  about 14 years ago

    Where’s yopu get that one from, Bruce?

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 14 years ago

    Allow guns back into the courtrooms, and halls of Congress. Pretty soon infants will be shooting their way out of maternity wars, blasting their way to “freedom”.

    Arizona should listen up– the court said the states cannot trump the feds on this issue. The Constitution already says the states can’t trump feds on immigration enforcement.

    No Rational Alternative wins another one with the real Five Stooges.

    I support gun ownership, which is exactly why I can’t stand the NRA and their outrageous postures. LaPierre may be the greatest THREAT to gun ownership.

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  5. Missing large
    SherriannPederson  about 14 years ago

    When the US military withdraws their troops, then everything will change so that everyone back home has a life that is peaceful, prosperous, safe, and enjoyable.

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  6. John adams1
    Motivemagus  about 14 years ago

    Good Freudian slip there on “maternity war[d]s,” trout. How about a compromise? Americans can carry unlimited numbers of muskets of EXACTLY the same style as carried in 1790, in public, in parks, even in churches. The rest - well, they might need some slightly more sensible limitations.

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  7. Dscn0012
    cfimeiatpap  about 14 years ago

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  8. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Gun rights, more prolific and protected than marriage rights.

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 14 years ago

    Also notable that Alito still doesn’t know the second Amendment is about defending the nation from invaders, NOT OUR OWN GOVERNMENT! Impeach!

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  10. Doofenshmirtz
    bobpeters61  about 14 years ago

    Never did get the bit about defending yourself from your own government. Does Bubba think he can pick up his shotgun and stand down the 101st Airborne, or even a typical city police department? Bubba flubba.

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  11. John adams1
    Motivemagus  about 14 years ago

    I noticed that, too, trout. In what way does “A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.” become “everyone, under all circumstances, anywhere, can have a gun”? And defending against the state? Looks to me like the other way around, Alito! It is to defend the state! It ticks me off that some people apparently want to belong to the US but reject anything having to do with the US government. Fine – go live in Somalia. No restrictions there on guns. The idea of imprisoning criminals with guns is simply laughable, because that does absolutely nothing to prevent murders. Not one d@mn thing. It means the NRA believes that thousands of Americans should die by gunfire in order to protect the right – as they see it – for ANYONE to have guns with no restrictions whatever, no matter who they are.

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    cartwrights  about 14 years ago

    Agree, Motivemagus. You’re absolutely right. But many of these conservatives, including these SCOTUS justices, apparently can’t read or reason.

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    jaxaction  about 14 years ago

    good deal. now disarm the police.

    Then lay off at least 1/2, we can’t afford the police state we have now-internally nor externally.

    Unless you think that “some are more equal than others’ animal farm.). That one group of citizens should have special privileges, lower rents, food, free transportation, “extra”laws for protection of said class of people, ya know, EXTRA rights for some people….and be paid for such “status”. only police can have guns, various guns,FULL Auto, special bullets- only the police…that is a ‘slippery road” to follow.

    The federal laws on x-cons, (nix-on), and mentally-ill,(W) still stand- for life…and the clinton law(police can’t pack if they beat on their partners…), that one swept out many bad officers, as well.

    The LAW of the land is now set- and although many are “ahscared of the citizens”, fear mongering does not stop the 2nd amendment f/supporting the other amendments, civilian control of military, privacy(almost gone), free speech, the right to gather, basic stuff, just like open holding of guns by the citizens.

    Wiser heads will now prevail, one can hope, and a reduction of the now-common police riots on the citizens.

    What type of state NEEDS and armed force rather than a moral force to rule?

    those who DO fear an armed citizens, are either tripping on “punishment of citizens” or bear guilt for robbing the citizens. I have never asked for nor relied upon the police to protect me, but then i never robbed pension funds, nor 401 savings, nor protected property rights over personal rights.

    disarm the police and charge $10,000 for 911 calls, that ought to clean out the massive snitching going on, We can not afford the police state we have now. (flagged another spam)

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  14. Img 1055 1
    halfabug  about 14 years ago

    why are people so scared of guns? be scared of the people that use them, they already have them. so whats wrong with leveling the playing field.

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  15. 100 2208
    parkersinthehouse  about 14 years ago

    you part of a militia jax? some kind of minuteman? anti-immigration? anti-gay? anti-semitic? law and order your way kinda guy?

    armed citizens sport a kind of self-imposed entitlement - a kind of power not healthy in the heat of anger or jealousy or retribution

    some gun owners hunt - some don’t - some shoot up their families - some don’t

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  16. Marx lennon
    charliekane  about 14 years ago

    Gonna miss JPS.

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  17. Old bear
    T Gabriel Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Over 40 years ago I spent three years in a really bad place doing some really bad things. I came home (back to the world as we would say in those days) and got on with my life, such as it is. My one sincere wish is that I could find someone willing to take on the memories but that is a different issue.

    During those three years we had to go “under arms” everywhere we went. To the slit trench in the bush, to the mess hall back in the rear, you name it, we were armed. Flak-jacketed and helmeted, come to think of it. When I got home (back to round-eye land) I vowed I would never, ever, ever touch another gun again. Ever.

    Now, over forty years later I am proud to say I have kept that promise. To those of you who use the Constitution as an excuse to “keep and bear” you are welcome to do so. Do not think for one second it makes you safer.

    I know most of you who “keep and bear” are making a political point and to that you are entitled simply because you happen to be citizens of the US, not that you have earned the right because the vast, vast majority have not even come close to earning anything but contempt from those of us who protected that right for you.

    I also know many of you are compensating for inadequacies in … ahem … “other areas.” Especially those of you who think anything bigger than a .22 is necessary for whatever it is you are trying to compensate for.

    There are even some others who honestly do believe you are safer being “under arms.” To those who feel safer, what kind of flowers do you want me to order for your funeral?

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  18. Missing large
    cartwrights  about 14 years ago

    @legacyshooter: Thank you.

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  19. Dsc02351
    mangoman99  about 14 years ago

    legacyshooter, you would do very well on the lecture circuit.

    Those are some powerful words. Good for you.

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    artisanx  about 14 years ago

    BANG! POW1 KA-BOOM! RAT-A-TAT-TAT! The New National Anthem!

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  21. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 14 years ago

    Legacy- I was there too. After I came back I spent seven years in law enforcement. At first we didn’t carry guns. In the following six years, and after making some 1,200 felony arrests, I’d never used a gun (fired it) and only drew it once.

    Most, even “city cops” spend their entire careers and never fire a weapon in anger- the use of deadly force by police is statistically very rare. It is those “armed citizens” out there blowing each other away.

    Even AS a gun owner, when looking at our “citizens”, I agree with your last paragraph.

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  22. Warcriminal
    WarBush  about 14 years ago

    Can’t wait to bring my GLock out in public since people (and I use the term loosely) like halfabrain want us to go back to the days of the O.K. Corral.

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  23. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  about 14 years ago

    mdavis4183, your view of the Chicago murder rate is too simplistic.

    You haven’t shown that the murder rate is high because of a lack of guns.

    Perhaps it’ll go higher now.

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  24. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  about 14 years ago

    Motive, as usual, makes an excellent point. The conservative Justices have shortened the 2nd amendment to “The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.”

    Guess they figured the rest was just excess verbiage.

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  25. Missing large
    jaxaction  about 14 years ago

    Dtroutma; “Legacy- I was there too. After I came back I spent seven years in law enforcement. At first we didn’t carry guns. In the following six years, and after making some 1,200 felony arrests, I’d never used a gun (fired it) and only drew it once.”

    I know retired police officers, who served in highland park, MI- who also took pride in 25 years and NEVER drew his gun. What it shows, is GOOD intelligence, good police work, yes there are some quietly working as they should.

    As you prob already know, it is the politics that drives the extremist ones to attack innocent people. see: LA LAKER crowd of 38,000 declared “unlawful assembly” BEFORE they left the staples center. I do not follow the tea party, but imagine what would happen if this was applied on their gatherings…

    Those bullies, who end up on the outs,(never fast enough by me) gather the most press, and for their excesses.

    GOOD on the both of you, and others, thank you for your wise service.

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  26. Cathy aack Premium Member about 14 years ago

    At least we can hope the folks there know how to use it and what to do with it. In addition, there aren’t any little kids to get ahold of it and use it on their friends.

    Right on motive, legacy & anthony – how can anyone consider folks running around with handguns & semi-automatics to be a well regulated Militia?

    As I worked in the inner city in child protection for years and never used a gun, I consider those who feel they need a gun to go to Starbucks simply cowards.

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