B.C. by Mastroianni and Hart for October 31, 2015

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    legaleagle48  over 9 years ago

    Can’t feel your feet? Diabetic neuropathy will do that to you.

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    nufalready  over 9 years ago

    I can’t feel your feet either.

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    Wren Fahel  over 9 years ago

    “I can’t feel my legs!!!”“Olaf, those are MY legs.”— “Frozen”

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    What? Me worried ?  over 9 years ago

    What was in that candy --oooohh look at all the purty colors ! hahahahaah

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    cubswin2016  over 9 years ago

    That guy is going to have a big crash in a while.

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    neverenoughgold  over 9 years ago

    Everything in moderation…

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    JoePhan  over 9 years ago

    I’m sorry to read that you’re not able to control your child’s diabetes; I’m sure that you’re doing everything you can, and hope that it comes under control in time. I, however, am Type II, diagnosed in March, 2002, and diet and exercise aren’t nearly enough. It takes both oral medicines and injected insulin, plus a lot of self-discipline (often the hardest part, even with adults) but my numbers are, in general, good, and there’s no neuropathy after all these years.

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    goweeder  over 9 years ago

    “Can’t feel your feet? Diabetic neuropathy will do that to you.”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Don’t make jokes about something like that, if there is the slightest possibility that someone with Diabetes will read it. That cuts to the quick.Diabetes (not type 2, which is curable with diet and excise,) is not a death sentence.)Diabetes Type 1, also known as ‘brittle,’is incurable, and impossible to control, even with maximum effort.I speak from first-hand experience. because I am the mother of a brittle diabetic. It is a tragic disease. It can cause amputations of arms and legsand early death. There is some hope on the horizon that something new called ‘islet cell transplant’ can help, but it’s probably too far down the road for us to able hope for.So. have fun with your jokes, but please don’t be so flippant about anything as deadly as Diabetes, unless you have walked a mile in those shoes.

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    Thomas & Tifffany Connolly  over 9 years ago

    Rookie mistake!

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    goweeder  over 9 years ago

    NOTICE TO READERS:-If it’s not too late. don’t bother to read my first draft on Type 1 Diabetes. Once GoComics decides to publish it, it’s carved in granite, and there no going back.. i hadn’t edited it yet, and had a bit more info to add, but only the second copy has that info.-So far GoComics has ignored my pleas for an EDITfeature - or it could be that I just don’t have the smarts to be able to contact them.-If anyone can tell me tomorrow how I can contact them, I would be ever so grateful. I can’t believe that I’m the only one out here who desperately needs that feature.

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    Kris1964  over 9 years ago

    In type 1 diabetes, the body produces no insulin. In type 2, it doesn’t produce enough. So obviously, type 1 is even more serious than type 2. However, don’t make the judgmental error of assuming that type 2 is simply a matter of controlling one’s diet and exercise. It isn’t, especially in families where even skinny people inherit it. And yes, it, too, can cause loss of limbs and death if not controlled properly.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 9 years ago

    @goweeder“So far GoComics has ignored my pleas for an EDITfeature — or it could be that I just don’t have the smarts to be able to contact them.”.Just copy your remark.Delete the original.Paste the flawed comment.Correct anything you wish to edit.Hit SUBMIT.Even a caveman can do it.

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    steampower  over 9 years ago

    I’ve been eating all the Halloween candy of the little kids up the street from me, and now I’ve got a tooth ache!

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