Garfield by Jim Davis for July 29, 2010

  1. Stewiebrian
    pouncingtiger  over 14 years ago

    I wonder when Jon will realize that he has been insulted by Liz.

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    Llewellenbruce  over 14 years ago

    She likes wimps Jon.

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  3. Pa231400
    Yakety Sax  over 14 years ago

    Odies back!

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  4. Purposeinc wolf
    ladywolf17  over 14 years ago

    Jon, consider yourself a lucky guy.

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  5. Cnh
    moronbis  over 14 years ago

    Jon surely is happy.

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  6. Garfield
    linsonl  over 14 years ago

    All that sand must be a cat’s dream.

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  7. Csuwd140109
    lindonc  over 14 years ago

    the bully is the wimp making someone look bad to look better makes you a sad wimp

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    peter0423  over 14 years ago

    True. But who’s going to tell him that? :)

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  9. Thatababy slug
    BananaSlug  over 14 years ago

    Don’t worry, Jon; she doesn’t have much honor anyway, running ‘round near-naked. The underwear I have on right now is less revealing than that.

    OK, I’m ranting. But if nothing else, dressing like that is going to ATTRACT jerks, and Jon will be a pancake by the day’s end.

    If she was actually SWIMMING, of course

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  10. Dave
    davecancer  over 14 years ago

    This chic must be desperate

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    GreighWolf  over 14 years ago

    Jon, you’re fine being yourself. She’s impressed with what you have going.

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    replay1111  over 14 years ago

    Aw how heartwarming. :)

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  13. 2008happynewyear1024
    TexTech  over 14 years ago

    I don’t think BannanaSlug gets down to the ole swimmin’ hole too much. Compared to what I see a lot of women wearing at the pool, Liz’s swimsuit is downright modest.

    As for your underwear, BannanSlug, the only underwear that might cover more than Liz’s swimsuit would be something my grandmother might have worn and she would be about 120 years old if she were still alive. So far as I can tell, most women’s undergarments cover about the same thing as Liz’s swimsuit. Please just lighten up a little.

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  14. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member over 14 years ago

    “Liz, I don’t want a hot, beautiful woman. I want YOU!” But then maybe Jon isn’t as dumb as he looks.

    (The recent episode of the TV series “Mad Men” made fun of the prudish hypocrites running a bathing-suit company who sold two-piece suits but considered those new-fangled bikinis offensive. Great show. I recommend it to BananaSlug whose attitude reminds me of my great-grandmother who died in 1950 at age 96.)

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  15. But eo
    Rakkav  over 14 years ago

    I don’t know about the rest of you, but I find this oddly heartwarming.

    And I don’t know about pschearer and certain other detractors, but I think BananaSlug has a degree of common sense that most of this generation has lost. We’re just so inured on and off the beach to bodily exposure that we don’t think through what the cumulative efrfect does to us.

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  16. Cat smile
    bestis2come  over 14 years ago

    He’s not big and he’s not strong - no insult there. On top of it, “big, strong” men tend to come with “big, strong” egos which is just a real pain in the neck. Liz is a smart woman - she knows and treasures what’s most important in a man - the quality of his heart.

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  17. Gus 6
    BudLyte  over 14 years ago

    Imagine the look on Jon’s face when Liz takes her top off!

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  18. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member over 14 years ago

    If JR is the JW that gets the first hit on Google, then his response to the exposure of some female skin is understandable considering the historical attitude of the most religiously inhibited people to the female body.

    It’s not a long step from condemning bikinis to requiring burqas at the beach. It’s all the same world-view. Glorify the soul and condemn the body, especially those sinful females.

    (And if JR is not that JW, he still sounds like a prude. “In olden a glimpse of stocking was looked on as something shocking”, as the song goes. At least my great-granny had an excuse, being born in the 1850s.)

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  19. Waving flag
    Trainwreck_1  over 14 years ago

    I don’t know why I never seen it before but Jon could be another Radar O’Riley from MASH This strip brings back a memory where a new nurse tells Radar
”I like you when your unimpressive”

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    JudyCuddy  over 14 years ago

    Odie! Good to see you back.

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  21. Punky brewster23
    battycomic Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Apparently, Liz doesn’t judge a book by its cover, which is a good thing.

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  22. Crim0004 01
    GeneGene  over 14 years ago

    I think the only reason Liz goes with Jon is because of Garfied and Odie after all she is a vet!

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  23. Chw82caz11g91ca55h709cawjthlocay2dk85camu64fqcal7s34pcaxyf5n8cakvj1lkcahoq0imca5qa1hbca6k2m2tcaogqf60caob9irfcasvef94ca8ab2alcasx22etcaol4fmjcazjz28x
    ldyhwkd  over 14 years ago

    pschearer - I have to strongly disagree. First JR is definately not JW and second a little modesty is not the same as prudish. Some of us do understand the male mind (even if just a little) and know the kinds of thoughts men have when seeing that much of a woman. I don’t want my spouse thinking of any woman that way, except for me. That isn’t to say that I want women covered from head to toe either, though. I do understand that this is a beach and Liz’s atire is typical of the beach. I also have to agree that her suit covers about the same amount as my undergarments.

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  24. Cat smile
    bestis2come  over 14 years ago

    The world is full of temptations, and scandalous is relative to what we’re used to. If the idea is to protect women by protecting men, there is no “safe” degree of coverage. If we were covered from head to toe, the sight of an ankle would incite a riot. So the next step is to keep us home? Good luck with that. Liz’s attire is not in the least scandalous. It is perfectly appropriate to this day and time. But more importantly, it is a statement: “I look good for this guy and I’m proud of him!” Jon, get over your guilt, you’re on the right track. Don’t let any jealous insecure fool derail you, lest you lose the precious gift that you have. Learn to recognize bullies and be ready for them. Control freaks abound - women like Liz do not. I, for one, want to see you happy.

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    pattybf  over 14 years ago

    Ladyhawk: Men like that don’t need to see “that much of a woman”. They leer at women in t shirts and capris. They are jerks. As far as Liz not being modest. You should take a trip down to our local beach (and it’s a big family area).. Liz wouldn’t even draw a glance in that suit. Even the young mothers with toddlers are more scantily dressed than she is. (I don’t think it’s appropriate but i’m in my 60”s and my opinion doesn’t count) Then you have the guys (usually older) prancing around in their ill fitting Speedos, UGH!!!

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  26. Cheetah crop 2
    benbrilling  over 14 years ago

    Big strong men are high maintenance.

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    pattybf  over 14 years ago


    You are absolutely right, Bravo!

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    GottaGiggle  over 14 years ago

    Liz’s top looks more filled out in the center panel, than in the first and third ones. Hmmmm! How did that happen?

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  29. Bobbyicon1
    natureboyfig4 Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Yes, they do deserve each other. And that’s a good thing.

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    NeenerNeener  over 14 years ago

    In fact, guys, there is one part of the male brain that lights up when he sees a woman dressed like that. He then has a choice: He can either follow his desires, going against the wishes of God and his wife/girlfriend, or he can resist the temptation. That is why it’s morally wrong for a woman to dress seductively. She can cause him to stray.

    That being said, I don’t particularly mind bikinis if they’re being worn to swim in. But sunbathers really don’t need to dress that way. I know it’s to stop tan lines, but not many people are going to be looking at your back, stomach, chest, etc. unless you choose to allow them to. In which case, you are being immodest.

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    AmyGrantfan51774  over 11 years ago

    I know this is from 3 years ago but why is Garfield not smiling????!!!!!!

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    TheComicFan  almost 4 years ago

    Liz is insulting Jon by saying he is not a big strong man (even if we know he isn’t)

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