“I think this better fits the muslims working in homeland security.”-—————————————————At least it would be ‘offshore employment’…(snerk) I can’t believe you haven’t been ‘stormed upon’ by ‘them’ who promote equality and that other big word-ism to make people feel safe. (again, I say from another post; “Sigh”..)
whiteheron about 9 years ago
It is all well and good as long as it doesn’t affect us!
Cerabooge about 9 years ago
The fox gets paid in chickens.
obiecue Premium Member about 9 years ago
and Wall Street can police themselves
clucky about 9 years ago
Foxes in the henhouse = bad idea !!
unca jim about 9 years ago
“I think this better fits the muslims working in homeland security.”-—————————————————At least it would be ‘offshore employment’…(snerk) I can’t believe you haven’t been ‘stormed upon’ by ‘them’ who promote equality and that other big word-ism to make people feel safe. (again, I say from another post; “Sigh”..)
robolt about 9 years ago
Hen xenophobia
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly about 9 years ago
I see a possible conflict of interest here!
Fuzzy Thinker Premium Member about 9 years ago
And, Obama has ordered the military to put women in all combat positios. The quotas will be flexible.
gammaguy about 9 years ago
And Scalia is on the Supreme Court.