Norman: Camping out for this movie was a dumb idea, Echo! I haven't slept in three days, and some of these other "star wars" fans are weird! How am I ever going to make it until midnight??
Patrick: The force you must use!
Norman: Oh, shut up!
Mumblix Premium Member about 9 years ago
Personally, I can wait until it comes out on Blu-Ray and not have to watch it in a crowded theater with a bunch of nerds.
WDemBlk Premium Member about 9 years ago
We plan to wait a couple of weeks. Since we’re both retired, we can go at less popular times.
Perkycat about 9 years ago
On the sidewalk???
Fido (aka Felix Rex) about 9 years ago
I don’t get it - Other than bragging rights amongst peers (who probably tagged along), what’s the advantage to committing a couple of hundred hours waiting on line? Me, I’m fine with holding back a while until the madness subsides a bit.
beaver48612 about 9 years ago
Why are people camping out? Isn’t all the seats assigned?
kleanerz about 9 years ago
He’s going to fall asleep during the movie.
Andrew Bosch Premium Member about 9 years ago
Norman looks like he has Han Solo’s persona down pat!
byamrcn about 9 years ago
Norman as the voice of reason…This has been a weird week!