They can take the tour of historic sites. Here’s store where the mayor was caught with his shoe camera last week. And over here’s where the guy left his Amazon truck in gear last year and destroyed the memorial drinking fountain. Next, we’ll stop to see the pothole that some think looks like the Grand Canyon. On the way back, we’ll see the state’s oldest known rotating convenience store hot dog cooker. Then, we’re off to see the site where used to stand the boarding house that John Wilkes Booth’s second cousin stayed two nights after Lincoln was shot.
Show them where the old Country Buffet was and the new McDonald’s is now… and don’tforget to take group pictures at the Hill Billy laundry mat and the Hill Top storage barn…!
Pickled Pete 5 months ago
Makes no sense, unless they have no more buildings… they do look like maybe they live in mud huts. Are mud huts classified as buildings?
Little Caesar 5 months ago
It appears they have met their IQ equals.
MeGoNow Premium Member 5 months ago
They can take the tour of historic sites. Here’s store where the mayor was caught with his shoe camera last week. And over here’s where the guy left his Amazon truck in gear last year and destroyed the memorial drinking fountain. Next, we’ll stop to see the pothole that some think looks like the Grand Canyon. On the way back, we’ll see the state’s oldest known rotating convenience store hot dog cooker. Then, we’re off to see the site where used to stand the boarding house that John Wilkes Booth’s second cousin stayed two nights after Lincoln was shot.
InTraining Premium Member 5 months ago
Show them where the old Country Buffet was and the new McDonald’s is now… and don’tforget to take group pictures at the Hill Billy laundry mat and the Hill Top storage barn…!
Jeff0811 5 months ago
That’s like saying that the oldest person in the world died at 117, now there are no more old people.
wildlandwaters 5 months ago
not unlike if you ask how to get to such and such a place, and they answer “you can’t get there from here”!
anncorr339 5 months ago
You should have asked for the second oldest building