Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for January 05, 2016
Woman: To save your relationship, you must find something else you have in common besides an unhealthy attraction to dangerous shenanigans. Try sharing your feelings about movies, books, food and life plans that don't involve explosions! Are you willing to do that with Breezy, Mr. Haywire? Rip Haywire: Do what now? Sorry you got me thinking about some of my most memorable explosions. Hoo boy, there were some humdingers!
Kali39 about 9 years ago
An “unhealthy attraction to dangerous shenanigans.” Now you see, you’re completely wrong. Rip has a HEALTHY attraction to dangerous shenanigans..Which reminds me – does Breezy still have her helicopter in this universe or did Rip crash that one too?
Chrisdiaz801 about 9 years ago
A little Cobra would make things all right for everybody, since Breezy would have to chase Rip, who would be trying to catch Miss Carson.
Chithing Premium Member about 9 years ago
I thought this counselor knew who she was dealing with, but I guess she really doesn’t.
warjoski Premium Member about 9 years ago
Hmmm. Interesting. Might Rip be bad for Breezy?
tomjudytx about 9 years ago
Body language. Rip’s arms crossed , then Breezy’s .
seismic-2 Premium Member about 9 years ago
If that skirt rises any higher, she’s going to feel really breezy.
Dragoncat about 9 years ago
I tell ya, he’s reminding me of Li’l Abner for some reason…