Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for December 25, 2015
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling GOODGUY-WITH-A-GUN! Good Guy: No need to fear! I'm here! A mild-mannered open-carry patriot is at the mall, when suddenly... Man #1: Hey! He's got a gun! Man #2: GUN! Woman: HELP! Good Guy: Some armed nut is threatening citizens! It must be my nemesis, BADGUY-WITH-A-GUN! Good Guy: This looks like a job for ...GOODGUY-WITH-A-GUN!! Good Guy: Because the only way to stop a badguy with a gun is a goodg... BAM Oops, sorry, ma'am! Man: What's going o... AUGH Good Guy: BADGUY-WITH-A-GUN! BAM BAM Man: N-no! I was trying to help... Woman: My arm! Good Guy: Great Scott! Look what Bad-Guy-With-A-Gun made me do! Cop: POLICE! FREEZE! Good Guy: Oh, I see! You guys came because I'm open carrying that I'M a bad guy! Good Guy: It's just a misunderstanding! Look at my GoodGuy shirt! Cop: Ha-ha! Plus, you're white! Woman: Thank goodness for Goodguy-With-A-Gun! Next: Goodguy-With-A-Gun-Who's-Had-A-Coupla-Shots-Of-Jack vs. Goodguy-Without-A-Gun-Who-Gets-Mouthy-At-The-Waffle-House!
Randy B Premium Member about 9 years ago
Amateurs with delusions of competence, armed with deadly weapons: What could go wrong?
disinterest about 9 years ago
Where our trained law enforcement is frequently under scrutiny for the inability to properly discern when the appropriate time to utilize lethal force is…
The obvious answer is to rely on the enforcement skills of a group of people with even less training on the proper use of lethal force. Duh.
The Real Zarth Arn about 9 years ago
The fallacy in the “Good Guy with a Gun” argument is that EVERYBODY who buys a gun considers himself a “Good Guy” — like the nut who shot up a Planned Parenthood center shouting “No more baby parts!”
Lou about 9 years ago
…and he takes off his glasses. What could go wrong?
Malcolm Hall about 9 years ago
I predict that in the not-to-distant future a theater filled with people packing concealed weapons will result in a most hilarious news story as everyone shoots everyone else. Actually the shooting will be sad. The hilarious part will be the NRA’s spin on the event.
bama1fan92 about 9 years ago
And the moral is its ok if hundreds of people die from bad guys with guns, we must keep the public unarmed and defenseless. that way we stop all the stories of well meaning people killing multi-persons in public. I can personally name, NONE!
DarkHorseSki about 9 years ago
Statistics have amply demonstrated that the good guys with a gun have a better track record of when they pull the trigger than even the cops in shooting the right person. But why should liberals let a little thing like statistics and facts bother them?
Dtroutma about 9 years ago
When revolvers were in use, cops, and people carrying guns learned to shoot. My PPC weapon by the way is a five round revolver. When semi-auto large clip weapons became popular, it was then “fire until empty”. Which, our local police, one regular, one reserve, had a guy take one shot from a .22 pistol at them. They returned fire, emptying three clips each, killing a service station, several cars on a lot, the Elks building across the street, and rounds never found, but missed the guy completely, never hitting him, from less than 30 feet away. He ended the spree by shooting himself in the head.
A lot of the problem IS the proliferation of high capacity magazines, in rifles and pistols, and a “Commando”, not “Rambo” attitude that lots of firepower is better than accuracy. An old “Have Gun Will Travel” story dispelled that myth years ago, but it lives on in popular culture. Who needs accuracy when you’ve got lots of rounds to fire off??
BTW; the “white” or any color narrative loses sight of the thousands of shootings annually in the US, in ADDITION to the ones that turn out fatally when the “Armed Citizen” cuts loose in defense of well, his garbage can, his neighbor’s garbage can, or shoots at a suspected “bad guy” walking down the street in the dark, or maybe shoots a little girl sitting on her porch eating an ice cream, hit as “collateral damage”.
Portland btw just had another 2 year-old shot by an uncle “cleaning” his gun, such brilliance is also a nearly daily story somewhere in the US. The problem is yes, too many guns, but the REAL heart of the problem is too many guns owned by idiots.
jpozenel about 9 years ago
My hero! Sigh…
Randy B Premium Member about 9 years ago
Michigan woman who shot at fleeing shoplifters is charged with reckless use of a handgun
Withan almost 9 years ago
And for LOADS of irony, especially of the last panel: