Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for February 08, 2016

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    Ayshela  about 9 years ago

    Best toys ever – rivalled only by milk jug rings.

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 9 years ago

    And Mommy is there to help!I see Elvis is getting brushed.

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    Coyoty Premium Member about 9 years ago

    It’s made from the same material as boxes. Someone’s made a mobile box you can roll. Who knew technology could be so advanced?

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    rikkiTikki Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Puck is a three legged wonder and can play as well as the the others as we all know.

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    Yogi007  about 9 years ago

    Doc, my cat Spot did the same thing. I was concerned and wanted to stop him before he hurt himself, but my wife couldn’t stop laughing. I saved him from the mean ol’ bag…and I’m not referring to my wife! <I didn’t just say that, for the record>

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    Banjo Gordy Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Been following BC News since it began, but never saw this particular edition. Puck’s paper roll dance is a huge event for a cat with only one back leg.

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    Starman1948  about 9 years ago

    Good morning everyone.-—————I have sad news. My son in law’s dad (who lived in Uruguay) lost his battle with brain cancer. He passed away last night.-—- Additionally, a young lady who attended my church passed away. However, our loss is heaven’s gain. -——Also, an 89 yo friend with Alzheimer’s is having a total hip replacement today-——-Prayers are appreciated for theses requests. God bless you all.-—————Have a blessed day, my friends.

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    betsypoe  about 9 years ago

    At one point when I moved back home briefly I brought my cat. My brother had been using his old attic bedroom as storage. One night I’m playing the computer and my cat brings me this huge plastic Dry Cleaning bag.. he had dragged it down the stairs as a cloak.. I took it away from him only to realize he’d brought me a mouse in the dry cleaning bag. He wanted me to get it out for him hehe.

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    melissalomax1313 creator about 9 years ago

    So great :).It’s like at Christmas when kids end up playing with the boxes that the toys came in! ;)

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    Robert C. Premium Member about 9 years ago

    First, Elvis’s un-groomed head, then Pucky’s tubal extraction – the Woman is just heroic today ! …and Precious Puck’s face, running to her for help is just too sweet. LOVE this ’toon !

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    rikkiTikki Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Pucky’s tubal extraction

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    mistercatworks  about 9 years ago

    I “found” a new toy for my cat, who likes to hang out in the empty bathtub. I take two squares of toilet paper and ball it up from one end until 3/4 is in the ball. Then, I tear the remaining flat portion in half to make a tail. I click my tongue to catch her attention before flinging the toy high over the shower curtain rail. If I have made it correctly, the toy flutters and spins down like a badminton shuttlecock. After a couple of midair catches, she usually rips it to shreds. It’s cheap, fun for the cat, and all the pieces are in the bathtub, where they are easy to clean up.

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    Bonita Voigt  about 9 years ago

    It’s one of Daisy’s favorite toys. That and Coke bottle tops!

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    Old Man River  about 9 years ago
    Dogs like them also.
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    lindaf  about 9 years ago

    At least he waited until the roll was empty. We’ve lost entire rolls to really excited cats….

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    Shikamoo Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Seems to happen to cats, if you have seen videos of that. Hilarious.the funniest memories I have of a cat running wild-eyed is when my cat walked into my mom’s walk-in closest…and ran out with a purse around his neck! LOL Poor cat never lived that one down. :-)

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  17. Mountain lynx
    Shikamoo Premium Member about 9 years ago

    I LOVE this one! So typical of cats. :-D

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    jnik23260  about 9 years ago

    I never noticed Puck has a missing hind leg! How did that happen?

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    Starman1948  about 9 years ago

    Good morning my friends.-———Thanks to all for your prayers for my numerous requests. The lady with Alzheimer’s only needed a partial knee replacement. She can through the surgery fine.-———Have an abundant day

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    RadiuxGD  about 9 years ago

    Please go to for the latest strip.

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  21. Beafraidmyspace
    saxie5  about 9 years ago

    Aw, Puck looks so sad when he realizes he can’t the tube off. Poor thing.

    My black and white cat loves toilet paper tubes! She also loves it when we hide one of her toys inside and she can try to get it out.

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    iheartcomix123  about 9 years ago

    Aww…Puck in the last panel is so cute…

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    roberta.forbes.pyle  over 8 years ago

    Jingle Belle Katt likes paper bags and our recyclable grocery bags. More than once she has hidden in the grocery bag and then got the strap looped around her neck as she pops out. She drags the bag around until I catch her and remove the handle. Paper bags with handles I have learned to snip off the handles to avoid the problem.

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    《Lily》 Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Awwwwww puck is soo cute! <3

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    LeslieAnn Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    This is brilliant.

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