Little Nemo by Winsor McCay for January 12, 2016

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    ladamson1918  about 9 years ago

    Sometimes, thinking of a cogent comment is impossible in the presence of this comic.

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    Guilty Bystander  about 9 years ago

    So that’s the whiffenpoof Rudy Vallee sang about?

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    stuart  about 9 years ago

    Having recently taken a gun safety class, it was painful to see the “hunters” looking down the muzzle of their guns that had just misfired. (A cartridge that fails to go off when struck, often does so 10 or 15 seconds later.)

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    Kip W  about 9 years ago

    Even in a dream, it’s perilous to laugh at idiots with guns.

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    Fruno  about 9 years ago

    People should be allowed to use guns, but only in comics. You can shoot as many comics characters you want, and nobody is hurt. It’s the real-life shooting that becomes problematic. The trick is for people to tell the difference between comics and real life.

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    Mythfan Premium Member about 9 years ago

    The second one is a “Peninsula”.

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    Dirty Dragon  about 9 years ago

    Whiffenpoofs came up in the 11/12/2015 “Little Nemo”

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